It’s not that I’m cold, it’s that I’m not warm
It’s not that I’m cold, it’s that I’m not warm
I’m always cold, or so I thought. But in reality I’m cold most of the time but on occasion it’s not that I’m cold but rather that I’m not warm. I like being warm because I figure that means I’m not cold, which I totally dislike plus being warm makes me feel secure and comfortable.
Then I thought how many of these contradictory statements do I allow to run my life, because I am secure and comfortable in that area? Some are funny and light, some are obvious if you look at me, and some debilitating because it stops me from doing what I should do or even worst what I was created to do.
Here are some of ones that have crossed my mind:
It’s not that I’m short, it’s that I’m not tall
It’s not that I’m hungry, it’s that I’m not full – (dangerous to your waist line)
It’s not that I’m angry, it’s that I’m hurt
It’s not that I’m afraid, it’s that I’m worried about what they may think of me
It’s not that I have no dreams, it’s that I letting my fears win
It’s not that I am not good at that, it’s that I am not trying to get better
It’s not that I don’t want to exercise, it’s just that I don’t want to exercise (LOL). Some days it’s that simple
This paper is actually meant for me because I am letting my fears, my lack of “talent” win over my purpose, but I think it applies to a lot of people. People that I know are very talented and gifted.
How many contradictory thoughts do you have that you are “practicing” in your life that are preventing you from affecting not only your life but the life of others?
We actually all have great talents, gifts and abilities, but we not only doubt it but we play them down and not use all of them fully. We may not have the gifts you may admire in other people but THEY do not have yours. You were created to use your gifts because they are needed SOMEWHERE by SOMEONE.
So instead I have decided to work on what I have control of and turn the thoughts around:
I am warm because I got a blanket
I am full because I ate enough
I am not angry/hurt because choose not to be
I getting better at that because I am choosing to work on it
I am exercising because I want to be healthy
AND I am not afraid because I do have dreams and I am working towards MY purpose
I pray the same for YOU.
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