DoorDash Uber & Lift Drivers Same Day Funding Up To $25K
When The Big Banks Can't Help, We Can!
Incredibly Fast Gig-Worker Funding, Small Business Capital, Customer Finance, And Payment Processing.
Funding for small businesses has never been simpler. Let's get going!
First, apply
Fill out our brief application. You'll be done in a matter of minutes.
Step 2: Connect to your bank or upload your statements
You may be accepted simply by verifying and linking your bank account, or by providing your bank statements, depending on the funding kind and quantity.
Step 3: Accept the Offer and Get Paid
You will receive an instant offer on screen for the majority of funding. You will receive an offer through email within one hour to one business day for larger funding and Lines of Credit.
What Makes Us Different?
Only the most credible capital providers are identified and represented by DAC. We can give capital faster than a traditional bank with fewer requirements. Your income is more important than your credit score.
Receive a decision in as little as one day and funding up to $2,000,000 in as little as 1-2 business days.
We specialize in small businesses and work to bring you money while you focus on yours.
We exclusively work with transparent, top-rated, quick-turnaround suppliers who have already received over $10 billion in funding.
Do you want to expand your business or take advantage of volume discounts? It's your company, therefore you get to pick how it's used. Time in Business: Only 4 months in business are required. Business can be located anywhere in the United States. Personal credit score must be at least 500.
Monthly Revenue of $15K+ Not making above $15k every month? Consider using our Self-Employed option. Over 700 industries were served.
Our funding might be up to 50% less expensive than a regular merchant cash loan.
You submit your application, and we make a quick decision. You've set up regular fixed payments so you don't have to be concerned about unexpected responsibilities.
Time in Business: Only 4 months in business is required. Business can be located anywhere in the United States. Personal credit score must be at least 500.
Monthly Revenue of $15K+ Not making above $15k every month? Consider using our Self-Employed option. Over 700 industries were served.
Our funding might be up to 50% less expensive than a regular merchant cash loan.
You submit your application, and we make a quick decision. You've set up regular fixed payments so you don't have to be concerned about unexpected responsibilities.
To Increase Sales, Use Customer Financing
You'll get more approvals and profits if you have more providers.
Programs for all credit levels, including low-cost second-chance financing for low-credit borrowers with no recourse if they default.
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