Skeid Labs: A New Way to Win Your Battles
Skeid Labs is looking for you!
If you are motivated, passionate about health and fitness, live in the US, want to learn valuable skills, and want to make some money on your own terms, yes we are looking for you.
Skeid Labs is supplements made with premium ingredients in the US, designed to help you Win Your Battles every day; always free shipping and a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
We are currently focused on the sports nutrition market and working tirelessly on a major expansion to our product line up for fall. This will include weight loss, nootropics, CBD, and general health, all made to the same high standards as our current Skeid Strength Sciences line.
Our program for representatives is set up to drive your success and even your education!
- 20% commissions on sales
- Paid weekly, and no bank info needed if you don't want
- Weekly motivation calls and updates
- Earn up to 50% discounts on products (starts at 15%)
- Free access to an early, living version of a training course that will eventually be sold for thousands of dollars
- True GROWTH with a company from the ground up
Would this change your life? We can't say for sure, but we believe it will! All we ask of you is a genuine effort and accountability. If you can provide those things, we can do this together!
The weekly calls will contain the training notes until September, at which point the course videos will be available in a group you will receive an invite to in your welcome email. The value of this training can not be overstated and you will be able to use it in many industries even outside of Skeid Labs!
You can also take advantage of the discounts you'll earn to take control of your health with our premium supplements! Lose those extra few pounds, help relieve your aches and pains, keep your focus through the day, build muscle...whatever it is you need to Win Your Battles!
Please go like our Facebook page here and contact us if you'd like to join us! We're looking forward to meeting you!
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