How To Maximize Your Profits And Results Using One Live Video

If there is one thing I like to do, it is to maximize all I can from the efforts of one project.
Today, I will share with you how to take a live video, and turn it into a lead generating, profit earning, and business building tool for many months or years to come.
If you're wondering how one live video can do much after it's aired, then you will be getting much value from today's business announcement.
So with that said, let's dive into the content!
December 20th, 2018 at 9 p.m Eastern
Next Thursday night, I will be hosting a live webinar, and have been promoting it heavily.
It will be focused on "The Secret Formula And Blueprint I Use To Get 1 To 3 Signups Into My Business Every Single Week"
If you'd like to attend and get this information to apply to your own business, just simply register with the link below.
If you are not able to make the time of the live event, it's okay.
All those who register will be sent the recording of the event, so by simply registering now, you will be getting this life changing information to apply to your own business.
Now What To Do After The live Event
Let's say you are hosting your own event, and want to get the most from it.
First, you need to promote it as much as possible ahead of time, and build a list of people who register.
The promotion before the event has a purpose, to build a list of people in a specific industry.
I assume you know why promoting it is one way to get results, and the event going live is another.
But what do we do after we have had the event, is that all we can do with the work we put in?
Loading Up Online
Now, we can edit the event after it airs, and create a video for it.
Using good keywords, we can drive traffic to the recording of the event for a long time after it airs.
Those finding it on Youtube will result in more leads and sales.
But, why stop there?
Emailing Your Existing List
If we want to get our live event to rank on Youtube, we can email our current list about the recording.
Having them watch it on the link to the Youtube video, this helps increase our rankings on Youtube for the video that can result in many more new people finding it on Youtube.
The larger your list becomes, the more powerful this is when you do it.
What About A Blog Post?
Now we can create a blog post on our official blog and website, that is focused on the keyword we want to rank for.
We write content in text, add some images, and use related keywords throughout the blog post.
This can be another way to get found on search engines if this post ranks.
But most of all, we include the video in the blog post to get it more views from our blog (helps it on Youtube)
Article Marketing
Then we will write some articles on various websites across the internet.
By writing articles on other sites, we have the website's member base there to find the article.
Each article we write on these sites (MLM Gateway, Linkedin, etc) will contain the video of the recorded live event we had.
This is only increasing it's views on Youtube, and by linking to our blog from the articles, we can also drive traffic to our official websites.
Promoting The Blog, Articles, And Recorded Video
Now that we have created a lot of content with the recorded video in it, we need to make sure we get as many eyes on it as we can.
The more people view it, the more it ranks and gets suggested on the search engines.
Using social sharing platforms, and as many resources as possible to promote the content, we are driving the maximum amount of traffic to it we possibly can.
We need to first load it to every social media platform we use, then use those links on the social sharing sites.
The sky is the limit with this, so do all you can!
Last, We Backlink
Just to give it a little more possibility of traffic, and a better shot at ranking, we need to backlink the video, blog, and articles (even the social media postings that promote it).
There are various tools to backlink with, and I like to put money into investing in those tools.
Backlinking really helps with SEO and can get your content discovered by more people.
So this live event coming up is no different, and we should treat it as a money magnet, if the event has an offer attached to it.
Did This Help?
If you got some new ideas, or want more information on any of the methods I mentioned, just send me a connection request here on MLM Gateway, and ask me once we connect.
Also, if you got value or liked today's announcement, please leave a comment below and let me know!
I look forward to all comments and appreciate them all!