Make Your Wealth Real in 2023
Happy New Year! Hope your year has started off correctly. I have a great opportunity for you. I can help you use Technology to be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise! For starters, the wealthy never say I have too much money. And they are always looking for new opportunities to increase their already fabulous income! I work with a wealthy group that is looking for individuals to help save, grow, and build their income faster as well! I am sure this is the first thing you are interested in since these soaring prices keep rising even higher.
Before the Pandemic hit you were minding your own business. You thought everything would be fine! Then in 2020 along comes this manmade pandemic (COVID-19). They require us to self-quarantine and only come out as necessary. However, the shelves at the grocery store start to go bare. You cannot find the food and other necessary items to care for you and/or your family. Now you start to panic! Then some businesses start to fold. Some restaurants close their doors. Now there are fewer places to feed your family and get other necessary items. The US Government started putting moratoriums on rent and utility bills. Fast forward to early 2022, the mandated self-quarantine is starting to lift. But we still have patients suffering from COVID-19. Multiple millions have died from it. Others died from a combination of COVID-19 and others. Also, now the moratoriums are lifted. The landlords start to raise rents by an average of 20% across the board. I don’t know the average that the electric company raised their rates. And, to top it all off, they are “predicting more (not one but) multiple pandemics starting shortly! You lived through this one. But will you live through future pandemics? That is health-wise, savings wise and family-wise!
Or you may even insist that they come along on the trip with you right now! I know most people are one or two payments away from bankruptcy/losing it all soon anyway. And that if they come on the trip with you will pay their way and their mortgage/rent, and utilities for one month (depending on how you are doing in your business)! In return, all you ask is on the 5-star trip they join and follow your plan of action to get their life back on track to their dream life sooner than later. After all, if his boss is holding that “Survival Job” over his head then it is beyond time for better steps in his and his family’s life! And that there is no better time than the present to get started. “Is it going to be easy”? you ask! No, not at all. But if I can do this then so can you! Are you ready for this trip to the door of your Dream Life or should I book you an Uber back home today? I can have my 8-year-old son book your Uber right now! All you have to do is tell me your choice today! Is that home or a 5-Star trip today?
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