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Bro do you even Network Market?

People often frown upon network marketing and view it as a kind of sleezy salesman type job with an emphasis on sponging off your relatives in order to get by but, despite obvious techniques that are similar if not identical to that in the sales process or ‘selling’, there are several overlooked benefits to a person that is in network marketing that are often overlooked!

-1- The first of these would be the social qualities that come with being a great network marketer. As implied from the name, network marketing involves and promotes (if they want to be successful in anyway) people to network at a far better and greater level than they maybe would have would they have been networking in a social sense or in an attempt to further their business network

Most network marketing companies have training programmes that help the more shy or introverted individual become a lot better at making connections with what is known as the ‘cold market’- or simply put as people who you do not know well or do not know entirely. By making the individual less afraid of social interaction could lead to a number of added benefits in several different areas of the person’s life such as romantically, financially, spiritually etc.

By teaching this skill which is so often overlooked in school as being something which students should learn for themselves through the everyday social interaction with their peers; not only could improve their quality of life but also add confidence to the individual, which will be discussed later on.

-2- Another big advantage is in the entrepreneurial sense in which network marketing implicitly puts into your make-up as it teaches a person several of the characteristics and skills needed as an entrepreneur however without a lot of the financial worry and stress that similarly comes with being an entrepreneur and owning your own business. Many of the top entrepreneurs around the world nowadays are promoting and/or associated with some form of network marketing company and see it as a tool to become an entrepreneur in the future. The biggest endorser of this industry is probably Robert Kiyosaki, as he sees the lifestyle and mindset of the top individuals in the network marketing industry as having the same mentality of that of great entrepreneurs.

Network Marketing forces you to hold yourself responsible for your actions as they determine your income. It also helps in becoming accustomed to organising and working with a large team which is always an essential part of owning and maintaining a large corporation 

Stay tuned for more reasons on why you should Network Market!

This article was published on 06.11.2015 by Yadav Timmal
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