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More and more people are making their Testimonials...YOU CAN BE THE NEXT

Think Richly.....when you become a TEAM MEMBER

Who is Chief Cruz?

The Chief is a person who learned it the HARD WAY

a person who has 

If you wanna know more about me....go to my profile and

see my other articles/bysiness announcements and

bookmark my page......for valuable informations that

can change your life.

I am now on the verge of getting Financial and Time Freedom.

************Let me continue today's lesson************

More and more people are making their Testimonials...YOU CAN BE THE NEXT

Let me start it with my OWN PERSONAL testimonial.

I saw an ad about this program when I was surfing TRAFFIC MONSOON

to complete my 10 ads a day requirement....The ad about Valentus Weight Loss

coffee caught my eyes and I put TRAFFIC MONSOON and clicked the link

for the FREE TOUR.....It took me about 30 minutes to see the

effects of the natural ingredients on the SLIMROAST coffee.

Being a Type 2 Diabetic, the ingredients in the slimroast COFFEE was the one

that sold me on being a member...Here are the ingredients in the coffee:

Everyone of the natural ingredients are medically proven treatment to lower blood sugar and

even cure diabetes......naturally.....

The company has not been promoting the coffee as a cure for diabetics.

The only thing they are saying is:

Except for a one short mention "diabetes friendly) ....all they want

you to know is you will have a business of your own when you become

a distributor of the product. 


I started drinking the coffee on April 24th....I weighted my self and the

reading was 168 is May 26th......and I weight  at 148 pounds.

I lost 20 Pounds just be drinking coffee.  wooohooo!

When I was on active

duty from December 1964 to February 1992  

I was taking anywhere from

8 to 12 miles jogging to maintain my weight for the required

weight for a person

my age.

My last yearly check up recorded me as weighing 175 pounds and my diabetes problem

is getting Doctor recommended that I take a higher percentage of

insulin shots....OUCH....OUCH....AND MORE OUCH.

After receiving my order from Valentus...I stopped taking

the shots even without my Doctor's order. Within 3 weeks of

drinking SlimRoast....I am now diabetes free and have a lot more

energy.........bye-bye  BIG PHARMA.....I am no longer your

CASH COW for your expensive insulin shots that is just a band-aid

for diabetics......THAT IS PERSONAL TESTIMONIAL.......Ooooops,.....

Yes, DRINK COFFEE -- LOSE WEIGHT...........MAKE MONEY....I am now

earning $250 to $350 a month from the people below me.

Join me and soon you will be making this kind of testimonials....Just

promoting the business here in MLMGATEWAY....I enrolled 8 or 9 under me.

Join a part of the team...I will be your TEAM LEADER.

Here's another member's testimonial...

The first coffee I took, I took it when the mail got here, I made a cup of it, and it was disgusting, i had to keep it down, I am a Tea Drinker. I went to chill out and all of a sudden i had energy. I did the kitchen, hall way and the living room. I had to go down town so i WALKED down into town, something i couldn't do and hadn't done, I then walked UP to the Doctors then round to the super store and did a load of shopping and carried it home. The wife had got up and seen the place, she honestly thought that was my parting gift and that I had left her lol.

That day I picked the kids up from school, they asked where the car was and i said it was at home, one replied OH It's broke then lol, i had to laugh and explained it wasn't broke i just thought i would walk round and get them. I haven't felt like that since i was back in the Army in the 90's. I took the coffee one in the morning and one in the late afternoon every day and I noticed that my sugar level was dropping more and more, so i hooked up my machine to the computer to have a better look.

When i started the coffee my sugar level had started to get better and better, my eating was normal i wasn't eating the fridge every time i past it, when i did eat the coffee was helping it break down the carbs/fat and it was sitting better in my system. I also noticed that i wasn't taking any medication for depression.

I didn't think much of this, however I went to the school to pick up one of my kids from the afterclub and a woman said to me, Whats wrong with you, you look like your on something, i want some of that. We both laughed and i explianed to her that it was a drink called SlimRoast coffee, she didn't believe me.

So I offered her some, her husband is a life time diabetic as well, Type 1 Same as me, she gave him some and sent me a message saying for the first time ever he slept all night, he even got up before 9am the following morning and that his levels were brilliant.

That is just one example, i have loads more as i have focused on helping other diabetics, type 1 and type 2, i have also turned Pre Diabetics into NON Diabetics.

************* I'll give you a FREE TOUR TOWARDS THE BOTTOM



YEAH, Chief Cruz..I Want to be on your team




This article was published on 27.05.2016 by Rafael Cruz
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