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Earn Passive Income with Top Up and Get Reward Ltd.


Think of this

Imagine earning an average of ₦11 every minute from a Telecom business, now after doing the math you will no doubt agree with me that this money can change your life forever.

Let's do the Maths and see how true this is. We have 1,440 minutes in a day, So? Let's punch our calculators and see how this figure can change your finances.

₦11 × 1,440 minutes = ₦15,840 daily


₦15,840 × 30 days = ₦475,200 monthly, imagine that figure in your account every month as passive income while you're doing your other business or job. Think of what that money can do for you, your lovely wife, children, siblings, relatives or friends.

Even if you get half of this at the end of the month effortlessly, wouldn't it be something?

Now allow me to introduce you to the company that can make this possible... Introducing Top Up and Get Reward Ltd (TGR) is a Virtual Top Up (VTU) site that rewards it's users for every transaction carried out via their personalised VTU portal. This company goes the entra mile ahead of other VTU companies by integrating a Network Structure to enable it's affiliates earn from other people's (downlines) transactions when they buy data or airtime via their portal, thus earning them passive income. This platform stands out in that according to statistics, the Telecom Sector is the fastest growing in Nigeria and Africa and the number of phone lines keeps skyrocketing, for our phones to accomplish or reach its maximum potential, it has to be recharged or subscribed frequently for communication to be possible, and to do that, you need the service of the TELECOMS to stay connected with family and friends and to run your business. Without doubt Telecom service is a necessity, which makes it a good opportunity to build wealth around, because the world and some unforeseen occurrences (Covid-19) keeps giving us reasons why we need to move to the virtual world and stay connected always. 

Many businesses suffered during the forced lockdown, but the Telecom sector was one of those that did not just survived but thrived, you can see statistics for confirmation. I've always wanted to make PASSIVE income but didn't know how, by virtue of joining Top Up and Get Reward Ltd, right now I literally earn passively both in my sleep almost every minute from people recharges and subscriptions. 

I can help you too earn passive income while your current business and jobs remains uninterrupted.

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This article was published on 30.07.2021 by Timothy Eva
Author's business opportunity:

Top Up and Get Reward Ltd. - Telecoms (VTU), 12.18 USD to join

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