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Why did I start

Hello, Roberto Santana here.

I fell in love with the concept of Network Marketing the very first day I ever heard of it, more than 25 years ago. But just like 98% of the people who become distributors, I did not make any substantial profits. There have been a couple of programs where I made a few bucks or broke even, but never much profit.

For many years I tinkered with different compensation plans and Marketing Systems on paper, trying to come up with something that would work better than what was out there. I studied every compensation plan and marketing system I could find. I joined companies and tried many of them.

The bottom line is: none of it works for the average person. There are people who have had success, but those are exceptional people (The famous 2%). There are things you can do to improve your skills, such as personal development and marketing training. But what I found out is that, even if you make the sacrifice to do these things, the people you refer won't. People don't want to change who their entire life, they just want to make some extra money. But success in traditional MLMs require you to completely alter your lifestyle.

So I set out to find a different way to make some extra income, without having to ask people to turn their whole life upside down. Without asking people to get out of their Comfort Zone. I also worked with Affiliate Marketing.  Again, I made a few dollars, but not enough to make it worthwhile. Now let me point out that I was not looking to get rich. I was just looking for something I could work in my spare time, say 10 to 15 hours per week to earn a little extra income. But I just could not make it work.

It would’ve been easy to just give up and think “I’m just not smart enough to have a successful home based business”, but during all my years of trying, I got to know hundreds of other people who had struggled just as badly as I had. Some had even worse luck than I did.

I also got to know a few people who DID have great success in both Affiliate and Network Marketing. The problem? These were not Average Folk. These individuals had the drive to work 100 hours a week, read hundreds of personal development books, attend countless marketing trainings and seminars around the country and invest thousands of dollars. In short: to do things that the average person simply does not have the time, resources and the drive to do.  Just talking with these "Gurus" on the phone I could tell they just had a different air about them that most of us just can't match.

Most of us are willing put in the work, personal development, training and capital investment to succeed, but not at the EXTREME level that those 2% above do. So I made it my dream, and my mission, to develop a program for us Average Folk. There had to be a way for us 98%ers to make a few hundred, or a couple of thousand Dollars per month without having to become Tony Robbins or Donald Trump.

After taking ideas from different programs, combining the best of each and then eliminating features that I knew were stumbling blocks and barriers to success, I came up with a Plan:

Take all the best parts of every business opportunity, network marketing compensation plan, affiliate marketing program, put them all together, and Throw them in the trash! I came to the realization that I would have to start from scratch when all of my research pointed to one conclusion: All of these money-making systems have been proven to fail for 98% of people.

It took many years of tinkering and countless sleepless nights, but I believe I finally did it. I have perfected a system that will finally make starting a home based business Profitable, Easy, Fun and a total No-Brainer for everyone. I know I have a huge task ahead of me to get this thing launched, but I have made this my mission in life. I have a passion to get in the hands of struggling MLM enthusiasts. Nothing could give me more joy than to help as many people as possible finally realize their dreams of financial freedom, which income opportunities have been promising, but not delivering.

I hope you will take an active part in making a reality. Pre-enrolling is your first step. I plan to launch in 2017, and those who pre-enroll now will get a top seniority position.

To find out more about (and to pre-enroll) go to:

This article was published on 14.07.2016 by Roberto Santana
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