How Monat has helped me grow as a person...
I used to be the girl who would sit in the hallways during lunch hour in high school and eat something small so I could avoid the awkwardness of finding somewhere to sit with friends.
I used to be the lady at work who would eat at her desk so I wouldn't have to worry about being the last person to lunch and end up not having a spot to sit.
I avoided entering rooms alone because I did not like the attention put on me.
Hi, I’m Jamie, and I was a victim of social anxiety.
But not anymore.
I no longer let that anxiety control me.
When I joined a group of women almost a year ago, most of whom I barely knew, I didn’t realize they’d do so much to boost my confidence to feel more comfortable with the person I am. When you’re surrounded by others who lead their lives with huge goals, a positive attitude, and pride...well, it’s contagious.
One of my biggest fears of joining was what others would think. What if I failed? What if people started avoiding me just because of what I do? But the longer I’m in this, the more I see how much it doesn’t matter. I know I’m doing something to be proud of for myself and my family. The only person that can really stand in my way is myself.
I never expected this side effect of joining, but I have peeled back layers I never knew existed within me.
I hold my head high now.
I smile much more.
I cry less.
I have fewer headaches.
I'm definitely less stressed.
I laugh more.
I love more deeply.
I care more about myself.
I'm more passionate about things I love, people I love.
I'm more connected with nature and the things that matter in life.
I finally feel like I belong. I fit in.
And most of all, I have the clearest sense of purpose than I’ve ever had.
Everything worth doing is scary. It never comes without fear of judgment.
But I •choose• to take the leap for myself despite what others think.
I •choose• to be happy.
I •choose• a work environment that constantly lifts me up every day.
I •choose• to be >FREE< from letting that anxiety hold me back.
And if that’s not personal growth and success, I don’t know what is.
Message me if you can relate to anything I've personally experienced. You won't regret it. You will, however, regret not trying it.
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