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If you've ever listen to Grant Cardone, you've probably heard him say, "Money has never been about 'I wanted a watch, I wanted a car, I wanted a big house. It has been about 'Hey, I want choices. I want options, I want control.'"   

This is something along the lines of what I've been trying to impress upon my young son for most of his life. And to re-iterate, the way I would say it to him is:  

"Happiness is not found in what you have, the people you know, how cool your car (toy truck) is. Happiness is measured by how much you believe you are in control of your own life. That's what the money gives you, or how the option to choose the people you hang out with can influence your life, or how the ability to change your mind about what you own or what you do makes you feel. It's your power to control your own life, on a day-to-day basis, that will determine how happy you are.   

"That's why, ultimately, we respect the calmness of the confident over the brashness of the rich. Because we recognize the control they have to make their own decisions, and the strength they possess to see those decisions through, regardless of whether they turn out to be right or not."   

MLM has a bad rap, but only because of those that have taken advantage of the unwary. Those that believe in the idea that something in life can be obtained for nothing. My father told me time and time again, "There's no such thing as a free lunch." And, decades later, I've yet to see any evidence to the contrary. Even the air you breathe requires your body's effort to keep moving it in and out. Nothing else in nature is as arrogant as the human individual's belief in "free".

If anything in life is free, it could only be your freedom to make decisions. But, even that has a price; consequences.  

So, I have come up with my own person axiom regarding this "Life 101" lesson, which is simply:

"In life, you pay for everything, either before or after. But paying for it after is always more expensive."

As such, I have tried very hard to avoid anything I didn't trust to be completely honest and effective, especially if I am preparing to recommend it to someone else. I simply DO NOT WANT the consequences of misrepresenting something. I treat my immediate future as if I were to be standing in front of St. Peter while he examined my life, day by day, deed by deed. That, to some, may be a little righteous, or even arrogant, but I do not press that attitude on anyone else, so were someone to think so, I guess maybe they're just a little nervous…  

Having been a salesperson several times throughout my life, I've had to drop products when it became clear the company was, as I mentioned, 'misrepresenting' the products I was endorsing. Very unfortunate, but the very fact this happens is the root of all the mistrust people have in MLM systems. And for the most part I completely agree.

But, every so often, something or someone comes along that surprises you and you can feel your hope cautiously rising again. Then, because you've been burned before, or made to feel foolish, or stupid, or cheap, you do your homework. And, to your surprise, no matter where you look, there simply is no evidence to suggest this is one of 'those' schemes. So, you dive in, and pray you’ve not been preyed upon, once again. 

I get it, been there, felt that…


Prodovite, and the company that invented it, Victory Nutrition International ( is, I'm very proud to say, one of those instances. Not only has it drastically reduced the symptoms of my Type-1 diabetes, but it has helped every single person I've heard that has tried it, and the more severe their health issues, the more apparent it has helped them. The science is there, the ingredients are of the very highest quality, the certifications in both the US and Canada are completely without reproach, and the testimonials about the multitude of issues it's reversed are undeniable. All of this is researchable, verifiable, provable. My family's own experiences can be found on our personal landing page ( which will lead you to the VNI portal, should you continue to be interested.

In closing, consider all that's happening in the world, these days, and how big corporations are complacent in corruption and dishonesty. Yet, the majority of people are stuck in what they know, regardless of knowing they’re getting screwed there, anyway. 

But then, again, as the saying goes, “The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t.”

While that is not to suggest all individuals working MLM systems are inherently honest, the advantage is you can deal with them one-on-one, and CHOOSE to work with them or not, giving you a control you rarely get while working under the banner of a large, soulless corporation. Secondly, percentage-wise, it’s simply a fact that per capita you’re less likely to get burned by an MLM set-up than a big-business entity.

If you believe in my logic, my story, my integrity, you must believe in the consequential integrity of VNI, as I am endorsing it with all my heart along with (quite literally) the well-being of my family at stake. Again, Prodovite is improving lives with an effectiveness that is, well, unheard of. It is, in my humble opinion, the most effective proactive health management system that has ever kept people out of the doctor's office.

Take responsibility for every single decision you make and you will feel happiness through the control you will have over your life, REGARDLESS of your material inventory, or present state of health, or the mistakes you make. Remember, both successes and mistakes lead to the same thing; experience that is the cornerstone of wiser decisions.


May Whomever your Higher Power is protect and guide you and yours to a better life.

  Michael Bourque

This article was published on 28.10.2016 by Michael Bourque
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Victory Nutrition International - Nutrition, Free to join

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