Version 2.0 of My 20 Dollar Travel Business Debuts January 2020
Over the past year, Steve Gresham and the team at My 20 Dollar Travel Business have been encouraging prospects to enroll as affiliates to build a solid team of business builders who enjoy travel and, more importantly, saving money on travel, especially on hotel rooms and condo vacations.
Now the team is about to launch Version 2.0 of this wonderful opportunity.
Next month, shortly after New Year's Day, exciting improvements and changes will be introduced.
I'm pleased to inform you of what the new look of My 20 Dollar Travel Business will include. Here we go
- Customer-Only Option - We get that not everyone interested in saving money on travel will want to participate in the business. In its current state, My 20 Dollar Travel Business does not require anyone who enrolls today to participate on the business side. But next month, those who want to be members only will have that option and it will be more pronounced and defined. The home page will be redesigned to provide a choice; save money, make money, or both.
- Weekly Payment - Due to rep demand, checks will be cut and mailed on a weekly basis, provided that commissions are due, that is. XOOM, Bitcoin, and Western Union are other options, although fees may apply, especially with the latter.
- A New Savings Portal - Members can experience savings on almost everything, not just travel. This isn't going to be like other portals or apps where you might save a few cents here and there; substantial savings WILL be realized. Membership does indeed have its privileges!
- UBER and Lyft Driver Program - For those who wish to build a business, specially-targeted marketing materials will be made available to enroll UBER and Lyft drivers! Hey, these drivers are great prospects as they're obviously, in general, looking for ways to earn extra income.
- Capture Page System - Again, this feature will be for those interested in building a business. Their capture pages will be designed uniquely for those promoting My 20 Dollar Travel Business. So how will these be different from other capture pages? Leads who provide required information will be entered in vacation giveaway drawings! Furthermore, those at the Platinum level (the lower level is Gold) will have access to capture pages in many categories to fit whatever type of business you may be currently involved in. The team at My 20 Dollar Travel Business wants you to succeed, even if you're enrolled in other opportunities.
- Print Marketing - Brochures, flyers, and business cards with your contact info!
So as you can see, really exciting things are going to be happening at My 20 Dollar Travel Business.
If you've been on the fence about enrolling, you have to admit, I've listed some really great incentives!
And even if you're not interested in becoming a rep, chances are, you love to travel and save money when you book travel.
The growth of this opportunity is going to be spectacular. I'm looking forward to being a part of it. I hope you'll join me, one way or the other.
Alan W. Wright
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