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Going the Distance in Network Marketing

This business is a marathon, not a sprint. I understand that most people already know that, but when the rubber meets the road, most people do not have the mental toughness to persevere UNTIL they succeed.

Most people get frustrated somewhere between the 3rd and 12th month mark because they’ve put in some work and they aren’t seeing big results yet. 

Most businesses that I know of, in any industry, normally take a year or two just to get profitable and at least three years to get established. You have to have some vision and mental toughness to succeed. You have to know what you are aiming towards, and you must put in the work day in and day out.

I heard a story the other day about a Nu Skin distributor who took TEN YEARS to make it to the top rank of his company. Do you know what he said? IT WAS WORTH IT! Even if it takes you 20 years of part-time work to build a six figure residual income with your network marketing company it is worth it. I think so anyway!

That’s the point I'm trying to make. If you really want what our industry has to offer (time, money and freedom) why question or worry about how long it takes you to succeed? 

Everyone’s situation will be different. Some folks will do it quickly, while others will take a while. Even if it takes you a while YOU STILL WIN!

Most of the top earners I know took AT LEAST five years to build up a substantial income in their company and sometimes even longer. Considering you are doing it part-time that’s still a great deal.

Does your job offer you a five or ten year exit plan? I don't think so. 

The bottom line is that you need to set some realistic goals, plan your work and work your plan UNTIL you get there. It will typically take longer than you expect, but it's still worth it.

Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. You must keep your eye on the prize and keep focusing on the money producing activities UNTIL your group grows without you. 

About the Author

Chuck Holmes is an author, blogger, watchdog and network marketing professional. He's been in the industry since 2002.  He lives in sunny Florida with his wife, Rachel. Learn more about his opportunity.

This article was published on 24.09.2018 by Chuck Holmes
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