Day 2 of the 7 Biggest Challenges Facing the Growth of Your Business
The 2nd day of our journey on discovering the 7 biggest challenges facing our business growth today is below. As a reminder, here is the opening information and the 7 challenges.
The 7 Biggest Challenges in Growing Your Business in 2020
In 2020 the challenges in growing any business seem to be growing. Each month I take the information that my new connections/Facebook fans/leads/prospects etc. share with me to better understand what the main challenges we face in moving our businesses forward. I won’t pretend to have all the answers as we are all on this journey together. What I can tell you is marketing today isn’t easy. But also remember that there is a vast difference between simple and easy.
The answers to the biggest challenge question fit into 7 main categories. Those being:
1. Frustration with the telephone – no return calls and no one ever answers the phone anymore
2. Having the latest information on ways to grow my business. Tips, techniques, new school vs. old school ways, dealing with people’s doubt and cynicism of my opportunity and having them engage with the awesome information I have to share with them.
3. Having a consistent supply of people/leads to show what I have to them.
4. Finding people’s true pain point so I can tailor what I have to their needs and make sure I provide a solution to their pain
5. Team building. I can sell my products but can’t seem to find people that want to build.
6. Finding the right company that won’t go out of business, bow to the FTC and won’t change the compensation plan and take all of my hard-earned money away
7. Balancing work, family and business life and keeping it in harmony
Let’s take each of these challenges a day at a time.
Challenge #2: Having the latest information on ways to grow my business. Tips, techniques, new school vs. old school ways, dealing with people’s doubt and cynicism of my opportunity and having them engage with the awesome information I desire to share with them.
If you have been around for any length of time in the online world, you know that there is an abundance of things online to try and catch your eye to the latest greatest way to build your business. Don’t get me wrong, most of these products, ideas or coaching are solid and provide you with value. The main challenge is to put all of this together in a cohesive way that becomes a well-oiled marketing machine. The costs? They can be significant. I know that over the past 20 or so years, I have spent thousands of dollars on programs, software, coaching books etc. to build my business. Most have taught me at least one thing that helped. I guess you could call this a “learning tax” over the years to be able to become a more successful online marketer.
How do we know that who we are getting advice, information or products from are quality? How do we know if it will work? Online reviews are a good place to start but can be easily manipulated in favor of the product. I think the best way to find tools that can help fill a gap in our toolbox is with recommendations from someone that we already know, like and trust.
As part of today’s discussion was also the challenge of how to balance or if to balance old school ways to build your business vs new school methods. This can be quite a contentious topic. I have been a part of businesses where my upline absolutely supported new school methods and techniques to build my business and have also been a part of the opposite. So how does one decide? I believe it all depends on what you want your business to provide for you. I have people that are in business more for the discounted products that they can get. They truly just want to buy wholesale vs retail. I also have team members that want their business to provide for a bit of extra income while also saving money on products. Lastly, I have team members that are wanting to bust out big and grow a large business. So, which way of building is best?
Here is what I know. Our industry has a horrible success ration. Roughly 5% of network marketers actually make money. I believe that those 5% are comprised of two groups. The first group are those types of people that are those extreme extroverts. These are people that can strike up a conversation with any and everyone that comes within 10 feet of them. The are the natural recruiters that you may know or have heard of. The second group within this 5% are those that utilize the power of the internet in a way that provides a never-ending stream of prospects to them. The first group of people, those rock star recruiters, are ALWAYS recruiting. Why? They know that there is no way that the majority of their team is going to be able to do the same thing they can. You can’t change someone’s DNA from an introvert/non-rock star recruiter, into one overnight. Can people learn and get better? Yes, but if they aren’t the actual pro recruiter type, they won’t ever become one inside their being. The second group are people that have discovered the way to market online, even if they are introverts and speaking in front of a group terrifies them to the core. This second group has learned a skill set. We can all learn a skill set. We CAN’T change our DNA. This latter group of stars in our industry have followed a roadmap to success. It doesn’t happen overnight, and you actually have to work. But it is SIMPLE to learn. I have found such a roadmap that has vaulted me ahead in a HUGE way. You too can learn how to do this! Now, unless you are in the first group, (and God bless you if you are), you need to get the starting point figured out. There is NO WAY better to do this than getting the 10-day course (it’s free) that I grabbed not that long ago.
Get your course here: HERE NOW!
The last challenge that people brought to me was actually having people listen to what we have to share without skepticism and an open mind. I totally get this! Haven’t you had someone that out of courtesy listened to your pitch, but you could tell that they were rolling their eyes inside if not outside? They usually try to politely say “thanks, but no thanks” and if we don’t let them off the hook with that, they come back with other things. Things like, “Not another one of these things, you showed me one last year. Did that work?” or “this is one of those pyramid schemes isn’t it?” or my least favorite of all is “When you are making money, come and talk to me.” Sound familiar? So, here is the nugget regarding this situation. Why do we care? We shouldn’t at all have to be dealing with people that are skeptics to begin with. If you are, you’re fishing in a pond for walleyes that only has crappie in it! (Yes, I lived in Minnesota a majority of my life). It just makes sense to fish where people already are sold on our business model. They already have a belief in the industry. They just want someone to lead them to success! Stop fishing in the wrong pond and learn how to have those that already have bought in to our business concept ACTUALLY REACHING OUT TO YOU!
Don’t delay. Each day you wait is another day of trying the same methods that haven’t worked. Spamming all over Facebook, LinkedIn, the 10-foot rule of face-to-face prospecting, home meetings, hotel meetings etc. If these methods are working for you, awesome. However, if they aren’t, you need this course. Turn the tide of your business. It’s not your companies’ fault, your prospects fault or your upline’s fault. It’s up to you to change your future and the success of your business. Don’t delay!
Wesley Engbrecht
Find me on my Facebook Page at Wes Engbrecht Stop Chasing Them
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