Hi all!!!
My name is Shaun Im 40 yrs old ,and Im a Concreter ,in the construction industry for 16yrs ,from New Zealand now residing in Melbourne,Australia .I have been in the network marketing industry for 8 months with no previous experience well nothing worth talking about .Until this opportunity arose when an old friend sent a couple of links through ,and thats all I needed to see without him even selling it to me I saw the vision and signed up without him even knowing lol!!! Im so pleased with my decision and proud to be a network marketer!!!
So on with it ,Has anyone been strong enough to hit the leadership ranks of the business they’re apart of ?.If No then maybe we need to connect because the amazing company Im apart of called Ibuumerang is running a promotion where if you sponsor 2 people into your team in this month which is March youll be paid as a diamond in the following month of April ,thats just amazing !!! So If you feel like you want to be apart of this great venture please do not hesitate to connect with me and lets build a residual income where we can all win and live our lives on our own terms !!!
Ibuumerang is based on the concept of giving out good will ,this is where we give our product away for free and in return we receive good will back !!!We give away a free travel platform website where the customer can receive up to 35 % off retail pricing , but the best part is where we make money only when the customer saves money .50% of the savings comes to us and the rest goes into the compensation plan with no on selling needed the software does it all for us plus the customer will not stop using something where they can save money..The company has a little over 40000 ambassadors (distributors) and just over 500000 customers with 50 million in sales and a little over 20 million has been paid out in just 11months of business !!!Ibuumerang has revolutionised the network marketing industry and will be a company to watch out for in the future !!!
Travel is just the start of many more products to be launched in the near future ,We have also just launched a new Rideshare company in Orlando, Ft lauderdale, Houston !!!You earn on your drivers ,and you can earn on their drivers and you can earn when your riders ride in different vehicles...
Regards Shaun
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