Real Estate Investors and Home Bound Workers Team Up
Today much is being made of "real estate flipping" and the big money to be made using real estate as the magic to becoming rich or at least earning great sums of money making interest in the subject running high.
Television shows featuring real estate "rehabs" have made the particular form of real estate investing a common subject in today's world. Home and property investment involving finding, financing, and buying of neglected, abandon, and otherwise real estate in need of what used to be called TLC, "tender love and care" and in today's speak, "house flipping".
The art of real estate rehabilitation from simple tasks of partial or cosmetic improvements to completing various "fixes" and minor improvements to major renovations to maximize the "after repair value", ARV. The investors goal is to increase the property value, obtain a new sales price and earn a fat profit on the transaction.
Television has glamorized the process to the point that the general public recognizes many of the "stars" of the fix and flip television programs to even the best known movie stars of today. It seems like everyone wants to get into the act from rank amateurs to professionals and the better know such as the "property brothers", husband and wife teams to a mother a daughter fixer upper team.
Which comes to a new stay at home opportunity and income potential offered to folks never leaving their homes or local areas. The real estate investors need to find that "investment grade property". Almost everywhere you look, street corner, newspaper ads and television commercials you see, "we buy houses, pay cash any condition" Referral or finders fees are available to the "helper" that locates properties that can show a "return on investment", ROI, for the rehab real estate investor.
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The key to making money investing real estate is allowing the property to obtain its "highest and best use". The importance, is it large enough to convert to a duplex, or would it better be used as a small office on a busy street. Could the vacant adjacent lot or subject property have an greatly increased value with a zone or use change?
These are all considerations to access when looking at property for investing.
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