doterra wellness advocate shaman storm
shaman storm
Independent Wellness Advocate
I chose doTERRA because of my upbringing and experience with essential oils and because they are certified pure therapeutic grade and the best quality in the market.the answer is simple they are pure essentials oils and have no carrier oils as almost all essential oils on the market today do.
i read that and thought this is right up my alley so signed up straight away no hesitation.being Cherokee Indian and learning about herbs and healing from an early age.i thought wow this is so for me, i have a lot of knowledge about herbs oils and uses and thought it was a natural progression which was in alignment with the person i am,not only do i get access to some of the best oils iv'e seen, but i get a discount on them free product points and i also get a home business that is helping people and their families every where with better health and well being .plus a bunch of other products made from essential oils to help improve health and well being,please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have , join me on facebook link on my profile, i also do card readings on youtube and facebook lives so if you would like a free reading when i go live join me on facebook in the witches den reading room group and you can get a free one card reading any time i go live would love to see you there i also have a page on patreon for my book chakras food and you, where you can learn about chakras and food herbs and essential oils to benifit the health and well being of your body and energy feild $25.00 a month to join readings by shaman on patereon $ 15.00 a month and the unicorns horn here you can learn about magic how to use oils and herbs spells and rituals also lots of other ino $50.00 a month
Contact Meif you are interested in doterra, i do only have a free account , but how ever you can just head over to my website to check it out or find me on facebook links are provided on my profile page my doterra website link is
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