Lead generation
Hi Guys, I'm hoping you're all coping with these unusual times and trying not to get you down, mentally, financially and spiritually.
You may know, my thing is Lead Generation and I have collected 6 very good sources of genuine, unique, human subscribers. I investigate any new ones and if they don't cost too much are repeatable, consistent and of high quality, ie seekers not tyre kickers, I test, test again and add to my arsenal.
I'm about to take up a new position in the ranks of approved affiliates for a well known marketer and I will need all these sources and more. I may be afk from time to time, but I will pass on any useful tactics, systems and experiences to you all.
I have been struggling lately with focus, clarity and enthusiasm, I must admit. But a friend in my field gave me a program to check out which he said had helped him enormously. I was a bit skeptical but I looked into it and he was right! If any of you are suffering from and emotional slumps, I may have something for you...
I have a special gift :-)
I've managed to arrange a special 19-minute audio MP3 that "reprograms" your brain for wealth.
It removes your subconscious blocks, and installs abundant thought patterns into your brain.
In short, it'll turn you into a success magnet...
All you have to do is listen.
Oh, and the audio it sells for $49.95 -- but is 100% FREE for you all today..
I'm recommending this because if you're like me it's very difficult to find the time to meditate and this program gives you the benefits of meditation without the tedious task of quieting your mind. Even if you can find a peaceful place to do it. But with this all you have to do is listen!
Anyway I'm sure you will check it out. Don't forget the new email if you need to get in touch.
Here's a list of traffic generation ideas, I'm sure you've tried most of them and it's because they work!
1. Study Keywords – You need to understand as much as possible about keywords. It can make all the difference to not only how much traffic you get, but to whether they stick around to consume your content or not.
2. Start a Message Board – You can use various systems like DelphiForums.com to start a free message board that can be used to build a community that will want to come to your website.
3. Join Someone Else’s Message Board – If you join someone else’s message board and particulate in the community by asking questions, answering questions, and commenting when relevant you’ll get more traffic. Let your bio and signature speak for you, overtly selling on someone else’s message board is not cool.
4. Start a Facebook Group – A free way to start a group is with Facebook Groups. Make it open to the public, share all your blog posts to it, plus ask questions, answer questions and comment on other people’s discussions.
5. Join Someone Else’s Facebook Group – Many groups cater to your ideal audience. Join them and become an important part of the community. Never promote without permission in someone else’s groups.
6. Start a LinkedIn Group – You can also start a free group on LinkedIn. If you take time to create a great description, people are more likely to join. Make sure to share content regularly that links back to your website.
7. Join Someone Else’s LinkedIn Group – Search for LinkedIn groups that interest your target audience. Join one or two at a time. Participate in the groups for a few weeks or months. Leave the groups that don't suit your needs.
8. Build Your Email List – When you have your readers and website visitors on your email list, you can send them to your website whenever you post something new on it to bring them back to it.
9. Use Email Marketing – Use your email to market your website to others by adding the right email signature, plus ask them to share and visit.
10. Join HARO – This is a handy website called Help a Reporter Out, that helps you find and become a source for others including journalists and the media.
11. Guest Blog – Find influential places that accept guest blog posts. Create a unique and original post for them with a good image. Include a topic related bio to help you build your reputation and get click-throughs.
12. Start a YouTube.com Channel – YouTube is a fabulous traffic generator if you edit your video to include your URL, and include it in the description and even as a linkable comment. (Note: include a verbal CTA as well)
13. Guest Appear on Someone Else’s YouTube – Many YouTubers, who are popular in your niche, often collaborate in joint projects with other YouTubers. If you can guest appear on one of these popular YouTubers accounts, you can generate more traffic.
14. Host Google Hangouts – Google Hangouts are free, and anyone can watch. You can also record it to use later. During the hangout mention your site and describe it in the description too.
15. Offer To Be Interviewed – Lots of experts need to fill interview slots. Make your availability known. Send emails to influencers and tell them the various topics you’re an expert in and what you’ve done.
16. Create Better Headlines – The headlines on your blog posts and content in your website matter a great deal. Don’t use click bank, you’ll get the wrong type of traffic. Instead, make the headline as close to accurate about the inside content as possible using keywords that they’ll use to find the information.
17. Join a Professional Blogging Community – Many professional communities do charge a small fee, so in reality this is not always free. Some are free, but even if there is a small charge consider joining in order to get traffic to your website.
18. Meet Local Bloggers – In your local area, there are bloggers that probably meet for drinks or some sort of after-hours events. These can work to help you get more traffic just be helping you get your name known.
19. Link to Other Relevant Posts under Each New Post – Internal linking is an important traffic increasing strategy. It will also keep the traffic you get on the site longer, thus giving them more opportunity to know about your offerings.
20. Write for Huffington Post – If you can get a relevant article published on Huffington post, you’re sure to get a good amount of traffic from it. It can actually be super overwhelming if your post goes viral, so make sure you’re ready.
21. Optimize SEO – Search engine optimization is essential to helping you get free traffic to your website. There is both on and off page SEO. Learn as much as you can about it to ensure that you’re doing it right.
22. Create a Site Map – A site map is really just a list of pages on your site that you want indexed by the search engines. If you use WordPress as your content management system, you can get a plugin to help you create a sitemap.
23. Use Google Webmaster Tools -- Google webmaster tools has a lot of training, and information for website owners to help them succeed at getting more traffic. They literally tell you exactly what you should do.
24. Put up Flyers – You might be surprised that a flyer will work wonders. While not technically free due to the cost of ink and paper, it’s not enough to notice. Post flyers at the library and local businesses that have customers that you want.
25. Go to Local Meet Ups – Go to Meetup.com and find meet ups within driving distance that you can attend. Become part of the group before you start marketing to them. But, if you let them know your expertise they’ll help you share on and offline.
26. Attend Live Events – A great way to get traffic is to become a familiar face in the live event circle. Going to live events doesn’t have to cost a lot of money; you can volunteer to work at the events you want to attend.
27. Host Live Events – Hold up, this can be free. Here’s what you do. Get sponsors and charge attendees. Invite speakers. Share news and updates on social media, as the event happens. Send out a press release and watch the traffic flow in.
28. Become a Speaker at Live Events – Create a good script on a topic. Record yourself after some practice and maybe a little editing. Then send it to organizers and volunteer to speak at live events. When you speak make sure you give them a reason to go visit your website.
29. Submit Your Posts to Reddit – Each time you publish a relevant post you feel will have widespread appeal post it to Reddit. Be ready for the onslaught of traffic should it go viral.
30. Do a Blog Tour – To conduct a blog tour, contact blog owners that cater to your audience. Offer to write a very specific and unique blog post just for their site that you’ll both promote. Give them an affiliate link to your website so that if anyone in their audience makes a purchase the blog owner will be paid.
31. Call out Influencers in Your Posts – When you write a blog post about a topic you read about somewhere else, such as on another blog or in a book, tag the source in the post you write. If the source comments on it, their audience may see and read it.
32. Check Your Metrics – Some people will say that the data doesn’t matter, that only engagement matters. Engagement is imperative, but studying the numbers matters a great deal. How can you know if what you’re doing is working if you don’t look?
33. Connect With Competitors – It might seem counterintuitive to connect with your competition but it works. You can both encourage and market each other via newsletters, blog posts and more.
34. Use The Right Keywords – It takes some understanding of how keywords work to understand which ones to use. It might seem like you should use the most obvious keywords but that would be wrong. Use low competition keywords that people are looking for. You can learn more by using Google Webmaster Tools.
35. Use Long-Tail Keywords – Three and four word keywords are called “long-tail” keywords. They are also called keyword phrases. You can discover these simply by starting your keywords in Google Search.
36. Comment on Other People’s Ads – On Facebook there is promoted posts, and sponsored ads that appear in your feed. If the advertisement is relevant to your needs, try to make a good comment on it. People may click on your profile and then use the link there to go to your website.
37. Do Facebook Live – People love live events and you can host one anytime you want to. Try to come up with a topic that you know your audience will like and ask your viewers to share.
38. Publish video On LinkedIn – Putting a good “about me” type video on your LinkedIn profile is a great way to describe what your website is about, what you do there, what type of content you share and a juicy offering will help encourage viewers to come to your website.
39. Write for Kindle – A great way to bring traffic to your website is to publish a Kindle book that you know your audience will love, sell it for only 99 cents. Include links to various blog posts that you’ve written and even make an offer they can’t refuse within the pages of the book.
40. Write Round Up Posts – The top ten posts on your blog, the blogs about a particular category, how to blog posts – these are all good ways to create a “top ten” list with your own blog posts that people might want to read. This is also a great way to revive older content.
41. Create a Facebook Page – Make a page for your website so that you can easily promote your posts on Facebook. You’re not supposed to use your personal FB page to promote anything so this is a necessity. Create a “learn more” tab that goes to your website.
42. Overlay Your URL on Your Blog Post Images – When you create images for your content use a service like Canva.com to create an overlay that includes your URL so that they know exactly where to go to find more when the image is shared.
43. Join AllExperts.com – Join All Experts and you can ask and answer questions that people ask. You’ll create a profile that includes a link to your site and you can make the questions public so that people see your expertise and want to know more about you.
44. Start an Affiliate Program – You can use various plugins and websites to create a free affiliate program that enables you to let other people drive traffic to your website in hopes of making a sale of one of your products. As long as you break even after paying them, it’s technically free.
45. Put Your URL on Your Business Card – You already have business cards. Make sure you put your website URL or a QR code that will take recipients straight to your site.
46. Respond to Blog Comments – When you get blog comments, always respond to them. It makes your website more interactive and helps create more user-generated content, which will draw more search engine traffic.
47. Respond to All Social Media Comments – When people comment on things that you say on social media, be sure to make a comment back. Keeping the discussion going is a great way to get more people to visit your website.
48. Answer Other People’s Questions – In groups, forums, and on social media, ask questions. Be the expert that answers them. The more you can establish yourself as an expert the more curious they’ll be about you.
49. Answer Questions on Yahoo Answers – This is a great way to continue to increase your reputation as an expert, in addition to getting reputable links back to your website. Spend a little time looking for relevant questions and answering them.
50. Answer Questions on Quora – This is the same thing, you can spread the knowledge that you’re an expert in your niche by answering questions in an intelligent and educated manner without overtly selling or asking people to come to your site.
Don't forget to get your free audio https://bit.ly/2Yz3TC2
To your success, keep on keeping on,
Ged Callaghan
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