MLM/Home Based Business Coach
Do we really need an MLM/Home Based Business coach? If we do, should this coach be our sponsor or up-line, or should this coach be another person who is being paid a fee?
In the best case scenario, our MLM/Home Based Business coach should be our sponsor for several reasons. Usually our sponsor will be most accessible, and our sponsor will derive the most benefits from our success, unless our sponsor is inactive or dormant.
Now that we have decided that our MLM/Home Based Business coach will in-fact be our sponsor, or that we will find a sponsor who can be our coach, lets take a close look at what qualities or skills our coach need to have, to assist us in creating our MLM road map to success with our MLM/Home Based Business.
The perfect MLM/Home Based Business coach is one who has either the skills, knowledge and experience of building a successful MLM business already, by using a simple system of duplication, or one whose sponsor or immediate up-line has already done so.
We do not need any coach or up-line wearing a big pin, which they bought, or which they accomplished by using some capital filled system which can only be duplicated by the rich and famous. Any coach or up-line who keeps sweet talking us with the line that this is our business and we need to make an investment, is someone we need to be quite careful with. How many people do you know with the capital to make a huge one time investments to get their MLM/Home Based Business started?
The MLM/Home Based Business company must have a reasonable start-up program which enables the
masses to build a business by recruiting/sponsoring distributors who can easily duplicate what we have done. Our MLM/Home Based Business coach must have a simple system which can be easily duplicated, by the masses.
Our MLM/Home Based Business coach must have a simple MLM road map to success. This road map must be on paper so that it becomes available to everyone. The system must include presentation skills, follow-up skills and telephone skills, including 3 way calling skills.
This system must include the wisdom of edification and the transferring of credibility from up-line to down-line, back and forth, in order to effectively build and duplicate leaders.
There must be a system of weekly consultation to check our progress, so that we can be sure we are on the right track, and if not we can be guided back on track.
As our coach continues to guide us through the trenches, helping us learn the above in building our MLM/Home Based Business and teaching us a proven MLM road map to success, she/he must also have the experience to understand that the above skills and knowledge is simply the first stage of setting up our business. Our MLM/Home Based Business coach must now skillfully move us to the next level of creating the MLM glue, in order to solidify our business and establish the bonding and relationships building for long-term mega success.
In closing, we would like to offer you our FREE eBook training manual. Absolutely no contact information is required for your download. Please go to
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