Hi Every one. This is Ghazala Saeed from Paris. I have been on the path of personal and mental development for the last one and a half year. I have done various online courses, attended many seminars and since then, every day I learn something new and apply it to achieve my goals. Through all this, I have achieved many objectives..long term and short term. I am a successful reiki master, I am a Silva ultramind practionner and I know better about mental programs. I help others from what I have learned. I have come to know that we can achieve everything we want in life. The only thing which is holding us back is our own PARADIGMS. What are Paradigms. They are the mental programs which were built and stored in our sub-concious mind mostly since our childhood. Our family, our environment and the people around us are most responsible to build them in our minds. Around 95% our daily activities are run through these Paradigms. If we change these programming then our reality and our destiny will be changed.
I was happy what I was doing but I wanted to upgrade my level and wanted to dream big because I know now that I can achieve whatever i want. Just a burning desire is needed. I wanted to become an online business woman, wanted to become my better version and to help otgers on a large scale. Very soon after stating this desire to the Universe,I have landed to an amazing online course which not only promises me to become my Best Version, but also gives me the surety of an Online Successful Global Business and to help countless other people to become their best version and to start their very own Global Business. Since I have embarked on this journey, I am finding the missing pieces which I was unable to find out in my quest of personal development previously. I have amazing mentors, I am taught about how to change my Paradigms, to accept abundance in every area of my life and at the same time, I am being taught about the business and selling strategies.
So if this story Resonates with you and if you also want to change your life and establish your online business Please do join this online course and amazing community from all our the world. There is an upcoming Free miniseries of one-hour daily trainings from 4th to 7th of October 2021. You will learn everything about your future course and business. Here is the link for that upcoming free training
If you join this group, don't forget to tag Ghazala Saeed
Have a great day.
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