Why Join Barry in InCruises with the Cruise With Barry and CruiseMasters team
I have been very fortunate and get to spend my retirement cruising and working from my homes in the UK and Spain... I won't bore you with the usual life story of how I was able to retire at 51 (although I did), but focus on the important reasons why this business may be just what you're looking for.
You see when I did retire at just 51 I wanted a hobby, didn't like golf or fishing but loved to travel, so I looked into how best to do this. First off I invested in a cruise focused travel agency (GoCruise With Barry), which a small team still run for me. I soon found however that often we couldn't get the best deals on cruises available globally, and to do this I needed to also partner with a US entity and this is where my partnership and business opportunity comes in, as I partnered with InCruises.
InCruises is unique in that it's not a travel agency in its own right (so we don't sell travel, book holidays etc).. what we are is a cruise focused membership club. Members pay $100 a month and this goes into their own little cruise membership savings pot which gets doubled up to 200 Cruise Dollars each month (enabling them over time to get cruises at half price or less)...
Most major global cruise lines are partnered with us such as Carnival, Norwegian, Celebrity, Holland American, Royal Caribbean and many many more... and they partner with us to help sell cabins on cruises that have some capacity... over the course fo the year, we have around 5000 cruises to choose from which whilst not every cruise that ever sails is a decent percentage of them and these cruises cover all key cruise destinations globally.
We are supported by a trip notch team who understand both the cruise market but also Network Marketing, and whilst we are only 5-years old we have excellent growth and our membership retention is close to 90% due to the unique nature of the membership doubling of dollars invested into cruise dollars... so members see the opportunity as more of a cruise savings club with massive bulk buying power.Anyway, the best way for you to find out all the details is to visit my website and also watch our short intro VIDEO HERE
Hope you join us soon
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