For South Africans by South Africans, People helping People
I Ventured into a New Business in January 2019, so a had a bit of success from January to March , I myself understood how to start up, (I have been doing this for over 10 years in previous ventures on Facebook ~ back in the day before groups and pages) and Off, I struggled a lot but just put in more and more time and numbers. So I did make connections with ALOT of Hard work and Hours and Hours of Facebook advertising, posting in endless groups and sending thousands of whatsapp messages, but none of my Team did understand, and nobody was willing to put in the Hours and Time I did, so one by one they decided to drop out, and this really discouraged me to a point of just putting my tool down. In July I was not eligible for payments anymore and felt the pinch in August when I didn't receive anything on Payday on the 17th.
I was back in the Boat of DESPERATELY needing some form of Income as I couldn't find a job, nevermind a decent one
So I took to Facebook and Investigated Opportunity after Opportunity, untill I found ONE that I liked........
I accidentally came across one of my Peer's posts, requested info, and found that Im already in this Business. After we had an extremely interesting and looooonnnggg conversation over the phone, I realized that I need to train myself up, and invest my time on developing the perfect step by step guide on the How To...
I made the decision to recommit myself in August 2019, setting a goal to have processes set in place by the end of 2019.
I started with a New Eagerness to put in my Time and Numbers, got some results, not great results but at least something, AND I slowly but surely started to Guide and Coach these New Teammates to do the same, a New Passion was born ~ love coaching others to change their Mindsets
BUT there was still a long and hard path in front of me, my problem was that I have become an Expert on Prospecting, but inviting and having successful connections NOT SO MUCH,
PLUS I had a MAJOR setback in September, where I got my Whatsapp number blocked permanently, losing over a 1 000 prospects as a result that I have been working on, planting seeds on a regular basis. This was my DEEPEST, DARKEST hour in my journey and I almost, almost gave up...
I knew exactly where the problem lied, I needed Social Proof......
It didn't bother me too much because I knew that Social Proof takes months, even YEARS to build on Facebook, and if I kept on doing, what I'm doing, I WILL get there, well eventually, get there.
Then something amazing happened, my Peer was developing a Super, Simple, Step by Step System to use and Opened it to ALL New and Old Team members in her Channel to Piggyback on her Social Proof!!!!!!
My Dream of having a "Landing Group" to WOW Prospects of their feet has come true!!!!
Now my Teammembers can start building their own Income, without the hardships I had to suffer!!
This is my Wish, Goal and Dream, to never let anyone in my Team suffer through the Hardships I have suffered through when Starting out with their New Venture, therefore I do intensive coaching with All New Teammates myself to give the same chance to every single New Team member.
In the end, We are all in this Together and I want each and Every person to Succeed.
Are YOU Open to Look at a Second Income Stream?
Whatsapp me on 076 800 1137 or visit my facebook page:
#wealth #secondincome #extracash #makemoney #stayathomemommy #workfromhome #southafrica
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