Membership that pays you and help you save up to 25%
We agree with in the power of YOU and there may be nothing more effective than your personal recommendation to a friend. You endorse a lot of things that you’ve had an experience with like movies, restaurants, businesses, web sites and more. You’ve been doing the basics of what creates achievement in this enterprise since you were young. You simply in no way were getting paid for it! But with the evolving and innovative connection with the Fortress Opportunity, you can get paid to advise things like how you saved money with your Fortress Memberships.
Do you spend a lot of your time on social media, talking with pals and relatives or simply socializing in general? If the answer to this question is yes, you want to test Fortress. The Social Referral Network company that pays. Open your wallet to find many membership cards that make you a consumer. However, the memberships are not paying you for referrals and not saving you much money.
There is nothing more exciting or pleasing than earning an income while you sleep. With Fortress, your enterprise will grow on its own. This will occur while you’re sleeping, vacationing, at a child’s performance or just relaxing.
Joining Fortress will get you paid three ways: Residual for referring for membership, 25% Commission on products or services purchased from your professional website, 100% on listed items you sell on the website. You cannot lose with Fortress. All it takes is three memberships in your downline, to qualify you for nine levels of pay.
I have many years of experience and I will help you secure your Fortress and build a solid residual income.
"Hello God's Purposed People.'' Thank you for taking a moment to meet me, Tawanda Baker. I Truly believe People come into your life for a reason, season or lifetime. I look forward to finding out, what purpose God has set for our path. I am a Christian woman; I do believe that JESUS is the son of God. I was born in Chicago, Il. I was taught at an early age, to go to school, get good grades and get a good job. However, no one told me, that I would lose my job, after seven years of employment and perfect attendance. I was left in the unemployment line with no plan B. As my favorite, inspirational speaker, Les Brown, would say I became hungry. Food was not what, I long to have to fulfill my hunger, it was the thirst for knowledge to create wealth from my financial bondage. In 2004, I knocked and the MLM doors were opened by a well sought after Guru in the industry. He told me these words; exactly..."It's your time to Shine" I had no way of knowing, that I was about to experience the financial abundance in my life. I was a student, and I had a teacher that showed me a simple system, that I could use with any company to create wealth. I had created wealth for me and my family, but I would soon find out; the Leader that I trusted and believed in would snatch my organization from under me. Yes, the same Guru that built me up, tore me down. I learned a very powerful lesson in this industry: Never, never, build your business around a person, unless that person is YOU!! Never, never trust a man to do what God can do better.
"When you face adversity, you need to remind yourself that whatever is trying to defeat you could very well be what God will use to promote you."
God used my set back as a set up for my come back. AMEN
I now have made a vow to God and myself, that I would seek after him first and allow Him to guide my path. I am happy to report that God has not failed me yet. I am Highly Favored and Blessed, and I help others, to create a Plan B.
I am married and I have no children, but I had a furry baby name Eboni, she was an English Mastiff, 160 pounds, and she is now in doggie heaven. I am the youngest of two children, I have one sister, Monica, she is a year and 1/2 older than me. My mom, Cheryl Wakefield, is my best friend My mom is my hero, and I love her so much. My father, Renold Wakefield, deceased, he lost his battle with cancer in 2007. He was the funniest man I have ever known, and I will always keep him in my heart. R.I.P. Daddy, I will see you again.
Finally, I have many mentors that I would like to thank: The late and Great, Jim Rohn, Pastor Lance Humphrey, Thomas McClary, Anton Garrity, Mike Basilicato, Mike Healy and best for last, my mom, Cheryl Wakefield.
I look forward to enjoying the continued journey of Networking and helping people of like mind as you. I have made many mistakes in Network Marketing, and I am willing to share my experiences, to keep others from maxing out their credit cards with hopes to be set free. Allowing, Upline Leaders, to tell you to do things, that they wouldn't do themselves. I can show you, a system, that a Guru is charging thousands of dollars for, and you can have it for a fraction of the cost.
"Surround Yourself With the Best People"
Don't join an easy crowd; you won't grow.
Go where the expectations are high.
To Your Success,
Tawanda Baker
"Mentor with a Servants Heart"