Do Not Fall For Weight Loss or Burn Fat Gimmicks
Information age is taking toll on all of us. So much information is out there that anyone can produce it, and anyone can access it. The problem is that which information is authentic or not. Many times, it is an opinion of one person who may or may not be true expert. This particularly applies to weight loss.
You may have spent time researching about weight loss online. You may have read many testimonials who claim to have been successful endeavors. You try to apply what you have learnt. You may have reduced your calorie intake. You may have ditched carbs. You may have joined a health club. But you are not losing weight or losing fat.
It just so happens that information you sought is causing you to gain weight. You just can't believe everything you read and hear. Here are some basics you need to consider before you decide to go on any kind of diet program.
Lose Weight & Melt Fat Naturally
Skipping meals to save calories is a no-no. Your body is designed (programmed) to go into crisis mode when you skip meals and it will store fat to preserve energy.
Drinking water is essential for your body. It may keep you away from snacks. But melt fat, it will NOT per WebMD.
Foods DO NOT burn fat. Some foods such as chili or protein may speed metabolism, but it will not help you lose weight.
Shock effect does not work. Dramatic changes such as training for a marathon, cutting all carbs will work for short term but not for a long term. Only total lifestyle change will enable you to lose weight and maintain new healthy weight.
Sugar is sugar. True as it may be that some sugars are worse than others, but your body absorbs sugar in a same way. By the way, sugar substitutes are worse for your body.
Carbs DO NOT make you fat. Whole grains have many health benefits which can't be ignored. The problem is not carbohydrates as such, but the portions that you may be consuming.
Lifting weights will help your body build extra muscles which in turn help body burn calories. It will NOT make you bulky.
Good fat is the way to go. Going with low fat is pure nonsense. Good fat from nuts, avocados and fish are essential to your body.
Eating at Night DOES NOT make you fat. It is all about overeating- too many calories. However, eating at night may lead to heartburn and indigestion.
Lose Weight & Melt Fat Naturally
Internet serves as a good source for information, but you must authenticate the information. So, know the following criteria in ensuring information is truthful.
- Does it sound too good to be true?
- Who says so? Any proof?
- Are they claiming "Secret" information?
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