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New Website

So I am very please to announce that i have a new website open. please feel free to visit my site and learn about life tree world. You can also contact me with any questions you have.

With in the website you will can preview a couple of video, this will give you a over view of the business, and more importantly how you can make unlimited income fromn life tree world. 

There is also a section on the website about the regulated we have to follow, witch are set out by the dsa.

Life tree world was founded in Feb 2015 so we are just over one year old. The company is growing rapidly and has over 12000 ibos ( independent business owners )with in the business. This number is set to increase to 50000 by the end of 2016.

We offer a range of products that every household use on a daily basis. Because we do straight to the manufacturer store into our distribution centre them deliver it straight the the customer, we eliminate the middle man. We also use word of mouth advertisement. All this combined save millions and millions of pound witch we then share back to our customers, we offer team leader bonus of 200, 750, 2000, 5000, 10000, 25000 and 50000. We also have a overriding in come that offer a further monthly income of up to 44000 pounds, and a monthly pool of 2% of the hole companies profits. To get there you do have to work hard but this compensation plan is incredible. I have never ever seen this before.

I have  been with life tree world since the 20th feb 2015 in just over 4 weeks my team is over 60 people. I have never done mlm before.  I now get my shopping free of charge and a nice monthly income. I am looking to quiet my job by sept when i reach 5000 a month and work full time from home. That 5000 pounds a month will be a residual income and will continue to rise.

So please visit my website to get a better understanding of the business please read through and use the contact us option if you do have and more question. There is also a valid id and surname ready to go for you to sign up straight away. 

So what are you waiting for make that change now and join life tree world and take control of your financial future.

This article was published on 12.04.2016 by Craig Sutton
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