by Wilson Cowden, published 15.04.2019
When recession hit hard 2007 to 2009 we saw many banks having difficulty and needing to be bailed out by the Government and so many shareholders lost out. Indeed many savers in the bank also lost as balances were above the limits guaranteed by the bank.This led to bank becoming tough to those who had borrowed from the banks. Many businesses were put into liquidation and thousands were paid off and became unemployed.
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by LT Torgerson, published 08.04.2019
If you are in business for yourself and your company provides you with a referral link that looks something like this: then you would probably have a hard time remembering it. In some cases the company will provide several links as part of the marketing system - which is great!But if its difficult to remember one link how are we going to remember 2, 3, 4 or even 6 links for different purposes like my CTFO company does.
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by Jopri Miller, published 12.04.2019
I WANT TO PRESENT TO YOU ONE OF THE GREATEST AND MOST SIMPLE AND FUN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE SOME EXTRA CASH!!!!FREE APP!!! EASY MONEY!!!! NO CARD INFO NEEDED....Just put in my code and then start sharing yours for unlimited $1 referral payments.
This app has been tested and proven to make lots of extra cash. Especially for you TV show buffs out there. Get paid when you make correct predictions on certain TV shows.
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by James Jenkins, published 12.04.2019
It is well documented that living in close proximity to High Voltage Power Lines causes the formation of cancer clusters in children. The Electro Magnetic Frequency or "EMF" disrupts the division of cell causing mutations or cancers. It is my understanding that 5G is much more powerful at emitting "EMF" or as it is sometimes called Electro Magnetic Radiation aka "EMR". There are documented cases of students in the Pittsburgh area developing cancers found in adults shortly after a 5G tower was placed on their school, there were denials that the towers were responsible.
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by Jennifer Wolfe, published 12.04.2019
If you could change anything about your life, what would it be? Would it be to get healthier? Or maybe make more money?Those two things were right up there on my "to-do" list. But I was frustrated because everything I looked at either had terrible reviews or was soooo expensive to get involved with I would have had to sell my first born to do it.Enter HempWorx. Now, I did not jump right on this band wagon.
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by Jaye Carden, published 12.04.2019
Perhaps a strange title for a business announcement, but it is one that has a powerful message to it.This is a question you should ask yourself, in order to find ways to actually get results in your MLM business."Would you join your business?" or "Would you join you?" is what you must know, to understand why others are either joining you, or even not joining you and your MLM business.So I will dive deeper into this, and shed some light on why you should always be focused on becoming a person which people will want to work with, get behind, and invest in.
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by Alicia Osmera , published 12.04.2019
Bam!! Paid the easy way!
I want to share this with you and see � you to benefit. I took the time to look at this amazing company and this is what found.All I have to do is keep doing what I do anyway, never sell a single product Or invest a single penny, �No direct sales, home parties, inventory, or convincing others to buy something they don’t need. �
Been there done that and I’m not knocking it, I’ve just found something different & better that anyone can do.
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by David Ingham, published 12.04.2019
Exciting time with Gold Backed Crypto Currency KBC?
The time has come, the mist has cleared and the KBC Gold backed crypto currency can no longer be ignored, go to and see for yourself it already has a market capitalisation of over $700,000,000 and has only been trading for the last Six months.
The KBC coin is worth some investigation and it’s time to get your hands on some of these coins before the price goes up.
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by James Neville-taylor, published 12.04.2019
Or Just Can't Get Everything To Work Together?You know the feeling. You're trying to get all your marketing and automation set up...
You buy this tool...
You buy that tool...
You try to make them all work together...
You know if you could just figure out this integration...
And then...
You hit a brick wall...
You find that every tool you want,
doesn't fit with what you need.
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by James Neville-taylor, published 12.04.2019
Up until now, this hot new tool has been $49.90 a month to be able to promote.As of today, it is free forever!I've been involved in this company for about a year and their growth has been amazing. If you look up this tool in Alexa rankings or any other rankings, you can see their popularity is skyrocketing.It's not too late to get your piece of the pie. Their main competitor (Wix), gets 40,000 new users a day and has a customer base of 110,000,000!
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by Kamayah Israel, published 08.12.2018
Lead Poverty vs Lead AbundanceNow that we're all in business (or doing business and marketing tactics), most of us find that it is difficult to develop consistent weekly/monthly income from the comfort of our home! This is primarily due to the fact that we must develop ourselves, skillsets, and mindset in order to earn.The skillset I'm referring to is being afforded an opportunity to operate from LEAD ABUNDANCE instead of LEAD POVERTY.
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by Becky Bubu, published 11.04.2019
WAOW!!!MGOLD FORMIDABLE NETWORK GROUP HAS MADE NETWORK MARKETING EASIER AND FASTER!!!A lot of people get involved in various NETWORK MARKETING PLATFORMS DAILY. They have been unable to break even because of the inability to get adequate down lines to fill the matrix. They eventually give up.MGOLD FORMIDABLE NETWORK GROUP has resolved to break this barriers through well laid down plans and strategies with the aid of TEAM WORK.
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by Chuck Holmes, published 11.04.2019
There is one marketing strategy ANYONE can do to grow their MLM Business. What is that one thing? POSTCARDS!Postcards... in a digital world.Lick a stamp, put it on your postcard, and mail it out. Simple. Easy. Duplicatable. Anyone can do it! Even grandpa.This has been one of my primary marketing strategiesfor nearly 10-years, even though most people think I only build my business online.If I had to choose, I would pick direct mail over online marketing ANY day of the week.
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by Dental Travel Macedonia, published 11.04.2019
Do you need a dentist, a good dentist? Do you want to save your money? Do you want to save up to 70%? Do you want excellent dental work? Be free to ask for our best prices! If so, contact us for any further information.
Do you ever visit Macedonia, North Macedonia? If you never visited Macedonia until now, you can do that on some of next months. Very good timing is this spring, soon summer or autumn.
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by Nawatti Sarah, published 11.04.2019
Hello,am her once again to show you that you really deserve the best in all,here have you ever imagined why most people retire in total poverty or why people do get time to spend with their family like going out on vacations which is everyone's dream,right? but the answer is very simple they just do not think out of the box but rather just act, i think now your getting pissed with this,is it ? first sit back and relax because this is the fact or the realityAre you scared retiring or dying poor?
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by Dawn Hay, published 11.04.2019
Many calm, well behaved individuals who might never dream of intentionally ingesting a mind-changing medication, really expend one consistently—caffeine!Caffeine is so inescapable in our way of life and in numerous different societies that we frequently overlook it is really a medication that influences our cerebrum. Caffeine is available in espresso, tea, numerous cola drinks and over the counter meds.
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by Adriana Belei, published 10.04.2019
We are a new tech start-up specialized in e-commerce applications and websites. We develop solutions for retail and integrate marketing services to complete the full production circle from the design of a website/app to online marketing. You can see more details on our website and also regarding our program:
We recently launched a FB group. You can join us here:
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by Sphiwo Nxele, published 10.04.2019
�‼NEW PRODUCT ALERT ‼�Whats a morning start without a great cup of Healthy Organo coffee? ☕Place your coffee orders today� & you will never turn back again once you tried Organo Gold✔Healthy coffee, hot chocolate or tea. ☕�✔Results from inside to outside the body.�✔Loose weight and feel great ���‼ No delay due to customs or delivery �Furthermore, below is a range of hot beverages that I supply:Organo Green TeaOrgano Red TeaOrgano Gold Gourmet MochaOrgano Gold Gourmet LatteOrgano Gold Gourmet BlackOrgano Gold Gourmet Hot CocoaOrgano Gold Premium Gourmet Cafe SupremeOrgano Gold King of CoffeeStock available online and Organo delivers to your door ‼�Make purchases on the link below:https://myogoffice.
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by Ryan Gunness, published 10.04.2019
At the most basic level there are only a few skills that if mastered can pay us big in Network Marketing!!!1. Inviting people to take a look at a presentationI used to say it was finding people but in reality finding people is easy they are every where the real skill is how to invite people based on the platform, the existing or non existing relationship etc.People are not one size fits all, that is why we all have different taste plus we don't want to feel like a number or fall for a can pitch.
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by David Ingham, published 10.04.2019
Have you heard of the new KBC coin that is backed by physical Gold.Have a look at the market Cap for the KBC Gold Coin, it has been growing strength to strength since it complete the ICO6 months ago. The coin gives more confidence to buyers as the coin has links to Gold and has a backing therefore the price can never go to Zero.Keep an eye our for the coin have a look on the exchanges to see the progress for yourself, HITBCT, Karatbit and YOBIT are a few exchanges to can see the progress on.
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by magnecia basani, published 10.04.2019
MONEY ONLINE INVESTMENTSNothing propels one to learn than online investments businesses such as Money Online Investments. I mean buying and selling shares seems a bit difficult and exhausting until you come across a platform such as this one that sells online shares at a low price, you just have to learn, such opportunities can't be brushed off more especially if you're ambitious, and honestly speaking who's not.
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by Cindy Johnson, published 10.04.2019
Hi, my name is Cindy Johnson and I work for My Daily Choice/Hempworx. I have never been involved with network marketing until I discovered our products in September 2018. I will make a long story very short, I was in a car accident, I was stopped in traffic and a lady rear ended me at 65 mph. My neck was broke in 3 places, I now have a metal plate and screws in my neck. The first few months after surgery I was in a lot of pain.
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by Chukwuemeka Azih, published 10.04.2019
Welcome to my world; the world of CDB. CDB is made from Hemp which is a non-psychoactive plant grown primarily for use in clothing, paper, biofuels, bioplastics, dietary supplements, cosmetics and personal care products, and foods. Hemp is cultivated outdoors as a large crop with both male and female plants being present to foster pollination and increase seed production. It is different from Marijuana – Cannabis sativa specifically cultivated to enhance its THC content to be used for medicinal or recreational purposes.
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by Graham Hucks, published 10.04.2019
I recently read a book on MLM in General. The author had as his ultimate goal the enchantment to lure you to his personal mlm company.. The Great thing about this book was that he held nothing back in highlighting the truths we all know but never admit.pEach chapter had a Funny Title and it helped lower the resistance guard we all have when being approached by an adversary from the camp of another mlm opportunity.
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by Martin Levine, published 10.04.2019
Six months ago I joined a company called Webtalk, a relatively new social & business network. At the time I joined there were 300,000 users. Now, there are over 2.5 million users. I am a seasoned marketer with over 20 years of internet marketing experience. There are many reasons why Webtalk has grown so fast. I don't want to waste your time with a bunch of facts that may be construed as hype, so I'll just say that I believe the main reason for this phenomenal growth is the fact that members get paid for life for inviting new members.
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