My name is Peter Corden, I was born in 1940 and noticed after turning 75 that it was becoming difficult to run my small business as the body was not performing as well as it had during my working life. When I was 40 I started taking supplements and this has been going on since. Three years ago I started taking the SISEL Triangle of Life which are naturally derived and life supporting. In 2017 Tom Mower released The A.G.E. Pill which I started taking at age 77, with terrific results. We age due to the fact that as we live glycation build up is taking place on all the cells throughout our body, the A.G.E. Pill cleans both Glycation and Lipofusion away. As this cellular sludge is remover the appearance of the face and body begin looking younger and healthier.
THE YOUNGER ME spends $3.00 / day and the payback that's coming my way is increased strength, better brain function, more agility, improved eyesight, renewed hair colour and new hair growth, plus my younger appearance. Instead of looking close to 80 years of age I now look more like 60, my business turnover is 30% higher due to my improved efficiency. The A.G.E. Pill supports stem cell function, this results in improved cell replication. Due to the fact quite a few friends have been stunned by my new younger looks, this has resulted in them joining SISEL to get their hands on not only the A.G.E. Pill but other Age Reversal Products like TSX which supports Telomeres, these are on the ends of the 23 pairs of chromosomes that are in our stem cells. It looks like we can now lengthen our Telomeres and maintain our strands of DNA into the future.
MLM is truly the new age way to market products and SISEL rewards us for spreading the word to the others who wish to join in the Preventative Maintenance of their bodies and enhance lifestyles. When you become a SISEL Distributor you meet lots of genuine people who are passionate about health and wealth, we can now help others while helping ourselves. Join this amazing way to ward off enemies of old age and poverty. MLM makes it possible to promote products to others and get your products for Free, and make some extra $s.
MEGAMUNE is here ! So the revolution of Age Reversal is happening and SISEL has met the most urgent need of the hour with the latest release of Megamune which supports the immune system through a combination of SISEL products including AVENGER, BODY SHIELD and InFLUence. These are extremely popular as people decide that a strengthened immune system is the best option to protect ourselves on a day to day basis.
You can "join" on my website :- or you can call me on +61 415 644 244 EST Australia for more details or to help you start on the journey to youthfulness and a better life. Please call my mobile above. Thank you for your interest and attention ! Peter Corden SISEL Independent Distributor ID 10212702
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