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Reasons why it makes good since to work from home!

Hi Everyone!

    1. Flexibility: Working from home gives mothers the much-needed flexibility to manage their work schedule according to their family needs.

2. Time-Saving: Mothers can save on commuting time and use that productively for other activities or spending it with their children.

3. Childcare: They would be physically present at home and thus can cater to their child's needs better.

4. Lower costs: The necessity of childcare might reduce, therefore, saving a considerable amount of money every month.

5. Comfort Zone: Working in familiar surroundings increases productivity as well as mental peace.

6. Balanced life : Mothers working from home may find it easier to balance work life and personal life 

7. Stamina management : Due to no commute, energy levels remain comparatively high throughout the day

8.Empowerment : Gives mothers an opportunity to continue developing professionally while being actively involved in domestic affairs

9.Skill Utilization - Encourages them not only utilize professional skills but also enhance soft skills like planning, organization etc

10.Convenience - Ability for multitasking between household chores and office assignments boosts convenience


11.Reduced Stress- No office politics or external interference makes a comfortable workspace leading towards reduced stress 

12.Increased Productivity- Live interaction with kids brings happiness which promote increased output during work sessions  

13.Family bonding – Being at home allows mothers more opportunities for bonding with her family members all through the day 

14.Enhanced Morale- Satisfaction derived from maintaining both careers and family successfully helps boosting self esteem


15.Healthier Lifestyle – Can prepare homemade meals , plan small exercise breaks resulting overall improvement in mother’s health 


16.Going Green – Reduced daily travel indirectly contributes towards environment conservation by emitting less carbon footprint 


17.Career progression– With technology advancement many companies offers growth prospect even when employees are remote   

18.Time Management Skills enhancement– Necessity is always mother of invention .Out of compulsion when work and family both needs equal attention , a mother start managing time in more efficient way

19.Better Sleep– No worry of reaching office early results in better uninterrupted sleep 

20.Improved Relationship – Close interaction with kids brings improved understanding between child-mother relationship    

21.Greater Independence - It provides mothers the chance to be their own boss.

22.Innovatively Engaging - Working from home allows for creative means to engage children while continuing with professional responsibilities.

24.Less Pressure - Work-from-home mothers doesn't have do deal with workplace pressures. They can handle domestic issues without using up leave days, which gives peace of mind. 

25.Self-Reliance & Development- This system teaches them on how to rely on themselves, make critical decisions independently, solve problems effectively both at work and at home ultimately resulting overall growth as a person.


To conclude working from home not only benefits Mother by giving her flexibility but also provide unique opportunity to contribute towards society in different roles successfully .   

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Martin Overmyer

This article was published on 29.03.2024 by Martin Overmyer
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