First and only line sold as a direct sales company .. No competition
Hello , I am currently a Managing Market Builder reaching out to people to join my team with an extraordinary hair care company that offers innovative products that are clinically proven to fight hair aging , made from high quality botanicals and essential oils . A naturally based , vegan , cruelty free ,chemical free , nontoxic line of shampoos ,conditioners, hair masques,styling products,shave cream, aftershave and beard oil with ingredients that are safe for the entire family with all concerns , we also carry a children's and pet line .
Products are clinically tested and proven to help in significantly reduce hair shedding, hair thinning, balding , dandruff and many other concerns, promoting new hair growth , faster hair growth , youthful texture and shine less maintenance and longer lasting color .Products are very concentrated due to the fact that they contain 20% less water then other high end products therefore only a dime size to a quarter size is needed depending on hair length.
This company launched in 2014 with first and only anti aging hair care line to be sold as a direct sales company in USA , Canada and UK and are preparing to launch globally. Spain will be joining us soon . This company has grown 700% every year in profits and is expected to grow even further . Just announced that they've opened the founders pool shares to new and existing member , up to 3% quarterly shares on top of commition paid out weekly and major bonuses payed out monthly.
No experience needed in hair care to start recommending products what so ever .Members get full training from the back office located on free website provided with enrollment and access to groups with experienced knowledge
I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity I was given with my company and would love to share my success with others . We offer a 30 day money back guarantee to all members and customers
Our partner product packages include
• Full size products
• Product samples and brochures
• 30% off retail on future products +free shipping
•Your own personal website
•No requirements or commitments
•Access to flash sales
•Access to Facebook groups to interact with top sales people
•Market partner academy access
•Incentive trips and prizes for reaching sales goals
•No inventory to manage.
⭐️We are the first and only company offering these types of products in direct sales
⭐️No competition
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