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What is CBDa?

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I want to speak with you regarding what CBDa is. Maybe you have heard of this before, maybe you haven't, in any case, I want to go in on this subject and hopefully, as a result, it will bring value and a clear understanding of what this is and the benefits of it. So, not to assume that you know about what CBD is, so let's start there. What CBD is, is the short version of Cannabidiol, it was discovered back in 1940, it's one of 113 cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. When taking CBD or CBDa, it modifies the receptors' ability to bind to cannabinoids. So, our bodies are already equipped to accept CBD, it's a natural supplement that helps. Now, of course, all of our bodies are different, what one person experiences with CBD or CBDa may not be the same for the next person, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work at all. It's important that you remember that not all CBD products are made the same or have the same amount of CBD in them, so it's very important that before purchasing CBD that you do your homework. (Luckily, the company that I'm with has all of the ingredients that make up our products right on our website so you can see from 3rd party lab results what's in each product) 

Some of what CBD has done to help others are, relieving Stress, Anxiety, better sleep, less pain, Anti-acne, and many, many other things. 

CBD is growing as an industry, as well as popularity, more and more people are learning more about this and also trying it themselves to get the relief that they are looking for. My advice... Just try it! (We offer a 60-day money-back guarantee so their's no risk to you at all)

So, let's talk about CBDa. What is it? And what's the difference? Well, for one CBDa is 1000x more potent than regular CBD. Also, it's superior to pain and Inflammation.  Did you know that their's no (zero) CBD in the hemp plant? I know what you are saying, that can't be true! Well, it is. In the hemp plant itself, it's full of CBDa, the (a) stands for acid, so it's the purest form of CBD and it's the most potent. When the hemp plant is processed the acid form of the molecule is dropped off or burned away when the heat is applied and that's how you get CBD. The main reason why other companies are not able to keep the CBDa intact in their products is that the acid form is not stable. Luckily for you, the company that I'm with is the only company to my knowledge that has found a way to stabilize the (a) or CBDa in its products. What have we done differently? We have a patient technology called 10x pure! This works like a glove, it covers the molecule of CBDa and protects it as it travels through your body, it also allows the CBDa to go directly to the source of your body that needs it the most. Relief comes in a matter of minutes after taking our product for most people. 

Are you curious to learn more about this? I have a great video that I will leave here that will explain more to you in more detail so you can get a better handle of the power of this product as well as how you can get some for yourself for a discount. Link below! 

Click Here For Discount

Thanks, so much for reading. I greatly appreciate it. If you found value in this post, I would love to connect with you, answer any questions you may have, or to just chat. I look forward to meeting all of you! 

This article was published on 16.09.2020 by Terry Walker
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