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Get paid 4%. Share Employee Retention Credits AKA ERC Grants. Avg Client gets ov

My name is Rodney Bush. Gratefully I have been in network marketing ON and OFF for over 40 years. It has set me FREE as a person giving me whatever I wanted most of the time. We all have ups and downs! Freedom to work as much or as little as I wanted. My Incomes topped double digits but NOT the 7 figures a year I have desired. UNTIL NOW! No cost. No investment. Training provided. Free Back office, websites and links that connects you to the business. The average client gets over $500,000 Grant money. YOU EARN 4%.

Focus with me on two words. “ONCE and 4%” No, not once in a lifetime but, “ONCE”.

Over 6 Million people died from COVID, over one million in the USA. Gratefully the CARES ACT was created to assist small to medium sized businesses recover monies they paid for workers they kept employed during this tragic time. Kept in mind, "ONCE and 4%"!

The legislators created this CARES ACT. Coronavirus Aid Relief Economic Security Act.

What I am sharing next is WHY the company I am with is in business who has assisted over 11,000 businesses get upwards of 6 Billion dollars in just under 2 years and counting becoming the most successful FULL TIME ERC CPA firm in America.

The WHY.

In the past a company had choices, the PPP, “Paycheck Protection Program” a relatively easy filing with loan institutions to get a FORGIVABLE LOAN or they could get the ERC but NOT BOTH!

Fortunately the law changed when the Consolidated Appropriations Act was signed into law becoming retroactive, March 13, 2020 and will continue through June 30, 2021. This is the time period that, ELIGIBLE EMPLOYERS NO LONGER HAVE TO SHOW A SIGNIFICANT DECLINE IN REVENUE.

Additionally employers are NOW ELIGIBLE to get the ERC even if they got the PPP!

Filing these claims. The firm I work with use, PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE which inserts the hundreds of pages of rules and regulations as well as calculates the maximum refund/grant for clients. WHY is this important? Missed rules and regulations can affect HOW MUCH money an employer gets per employee. PLUS, the firm creates a report to prove that the calculations are correct, usually a 80 page report. Large companies may have hundreds or even thousands of pages or PROOF that the work is accurate.

So, should the business have a general practitioner which might minimize the amount or an expert company who has 20 CPAs, over 400 employees including experts in various fields to ensure accuracy!

95% or more are eligible to get SOME MONEY. Should a client be deemed ineligible, the client pays us NOTHING. Watch the 5.5 minute video we send to clients, but do NOT forward this as it has MY referral link, you will get your own. Well unless you decide NOT to do this then send it to any business who is interested.

WHERE do YOU fit in”?

We, the AGENTS are trained. The modules will teach you many of the rules and what the facts are surrounding the CARES ACT and Consolidated Appropriations ACT giving you confidence to share the offer with business owners.

YOU, will NOT be left alone. Each client who moves forward will be assigned an Onboarding specialist to assist them each step of the way.

GET PAID, o yeah, how much can you earn? That is up to you. The commissions are off the charts! This brings us back to the word, “ONCE”.

Once the client has been approved to move forward, you will earn 2 monies. A one time $200.00 commission I call a, “Thank you” for getting them in the door and a 10% advance of the total commission. The entire process takes six months more or less to get you the other 90%. Can you live on 10% up front? Do the math. Eligible employers we can process are from 10-500 employees. Recently in early 2023, the firm in averaging over $21,000 per employee. So, you run the numbers. Let's say this month, you help 10 small companies file with 10 employees each. 100 total. X 20K. Take that number and multiply it by 4%. Then take 10% of that. This is the amount of commission you will earn up front. The remainder comes in a few months once the client has paid the firm.

So, how much should a company charge for you, to be positioned to earn this kind of, ONCE money? O, once. This is an “ONCE” opportunity because this has never happened in the history of man and it most likely will NOT happen again.

What do you get?

Training. Not just day one but ongoing.

Websites and a back office.

The ability to help companies get tens of thousands, hundreds or even millions of relief money.

PS This ends on April 15, 2025. 2 years and a minute. So, it makes sense to get started NOW right? Here is the link to register. The price? FREE. The company has invested millions yet does NOT charge us a dime. YOU have nothing to lose, register NOW and I will help you each step of the way.

This article was published on 05.03.2023 by Rodney Bush
Author's business opportunity:

Bush & Associates - Grant Money, Free to join

Member comments:

Allison Reid Is the claim is for usa people only?  1 year ago
Rodney Bush Register FREE NO investment!  1 year ago
Barnabas Masira Orango I like the flaming of this step to follow   1 year ago
Steve Gekara Excellent Article. Cheers...  1 year ago

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