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How To Use E-book To Market Your Biz?

There are various strategies in promoting product/service for your online business.  There are three effective ways you can provide information- visual, audio and content (book, reports, etc.)  In today’s world, the fast way may be via video either on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.  You can also publish videos on YouTube.  The problem is that for people to watch video, your videos need to be interesting.  The best possible approach may be that you can short video, entertaining and enticing enough for them to get detailed information on your product.  Your information may be provided in form of e-book (report) to your customers via email or via link where they can download the eBook.

Of course, you may not be a good writer.  But who cares?  You are not writing a novel.  You are writing about your business product or service.  If you are promoting other people’s product, chances are you already have most of the content you need to create an eBook.  It is best that you write in easy and readable style.  Most people do not like to read.

Get Your eBook Tool Here.

The purpose of your eBook is to provide information and at the same time to establish your credibility.  This credibility eventually will likely to turn into trust in you.  eBook gives you an opportunity to describe your product/service.  You can also give examples and go into detail.  Your eBook will establish as an authority in the area thus you are likely to attract targeted customers.

The unexpected benefit of your own eBook is that you will be reaching out to completely new people who may be interested in your product/service.  There may be plenty of Kindle and iPad readers out there interested in your content.

It may be hard to believe that creating eBooks do not require special skills.  They can easily produce using current tools you may be using such as Word Doc, power point, etc.  Be sure to include pictures to make describe your product service.

Furthermore, having eBook will differentiate you over your competition.  Simply, you wrote an e-Book, but they did not.  Your eBook should be a resource to your readers.  If they like your e-Book, chances are high your customer may forward to their friends and family members.  That translates into more leads for you.

Any way you look at it, eBooks bring more business.  It may be a good idea to track the progress and calculate how many e-books were ordered.

There are many tools available to create e-Books professional without paying high fees.  Sqribble is a cloud-based eBook creator tool.  It allows you create professional looking e-Books, based on templates with few clicks.

Get Your eBook Tool Here.

This article was published on 02.10.2020 by Prakash Kunjeer
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