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If you had the power to better your life and the lives of others would you do it. Today you will have that power. The number 8 symbolizes abundance and power. The number 8 in the bible signifies Resurrection and Regeneration. It is the number of a new beginning. The number 8 always alludes to a departure from the natural world, and entry into the supernatural world. The number 8 shows us that strength of will overcomes the material world and lives in the perpetuity as our will is synonymous with the soul. Everything you desire in life is trying to make its way to you right now but we often miss it because we expect it to come in a certain way but it will come in a way that you least expect. What you are looking for is always close to you so you have to be quit and be still and pay attention to the small things going on all around you. Look for this program on my site. What ever you do daily you master. If it is more blessed to give than to receive then we must master giving and get the  

( greater than >) and not the (less than <). I am the founder of Persistant Profiles and you may not know me and you may never meet me but our souls will be connected by this purpose. Where there seems to be no way there is always a way. Do not think about what you can't do but start thinking about what you can do. If everybody would just do what they can do then it would change the world and the universe. There are 3 types of people! People that make things happen! People that watch things happen and people that say, what happened cause they don't know what's going on. I am going to give $8 in potcoin and $8 by cash app to one member each day randomly selected in this program. If you can not get cash app you can use your paypal account. Join this program for free and receive until you build your belief in it and you are financially able to give.  Once you are able to give, send $1 in potcoin and $1 by cash app or paypal to the founders information each day as well as the winning member's information for each day.  If you hold your potcoin until they go to $1,000 each you will become a millionaire and you will be able to give daily in this program. If you can only give by cash app for now it is ok just do what you can do. You have to join the Persistant Profiles program above first to get your potcoin account set up so you can receive potcoin from this program and the members within it. We just transfer your potcoin address information to this program so you do not have to submit it when you join. Everyone that joins will receive a $8 in potcoin and $8 by cash app which will be paid out on the Friday of the week you joined. If you choose to recruit you will receive $8 in potcoin and $8 by cash app for each person you recruit but you can only recruit one person per week and recruiting bonuses will be paid out on that Fridays. I am going to teach you something that only your soul can understand. Time is an illusion but since it is what we believe we must play by that rule. There is a movie called Arrival that came out in 2016 that will make you more open minded about the concept of time. Everything that you can see started as a thought or idea and everything happens in the unseen world first and then manifests into the physical world. To manifest what you want this year instead of in some unknown and unpredictable time in the future you must bring the future to the present. Faith is calling those things that are not as thou they were. You must start saying I am successful now, I am rich now, I am healed now and say nothing opposite to that no matter how you feel, no matter what things look like and no matter how bad things may be so that your soul, subconscious mind and the universe has a specific and singular command. Focus on manifesting one desire at a time and then slow down and pay attention to the small things happening all around you because your desire may come in a way that you least expect. The date, member number, potcoin address and cash app id will be posted above. If you miss a day because you do not have any money on a particular day, names will remain posted till Sunday night so you can go back and catch up. To join just follow the e-mail format below. Also to get the recruiting bonus follow the e-mail format below. I will e-mail you your member number within 24 to 48 hours or when you receive money by cash app you will always see your member number as the purpose. Example:  For: #1 

click on the website link

This article was published on 29.04.2019 by Laywood Molette
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