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So you want more TRAFFIC?

You've got this great website with fantastic information or offers from your business and now all you need is visitors: LOT'S OF THEM AND GOOD QUALITY LEADS! HOW?

This is a snapshot of Google Analytics for my own website which I screengrabbed just a few minutes ago (it's now 6.27pm in Bali - Indonesia on Sunday) and could be from pretty much anytime of the day, any day of the week. Take a look then read on.

Google screenshot

The first thing to notice at the top left hand corner is that, in this snapshot just 3 pages are active for all these people - these pages were targetted just an hour or so before to be looked at using an amazing tool which I will reveal momentarily. The second thing is just how many paeople have visited these three pages in the previous 30 minutes (see red arrow). Now I have always been able to target good quality leads and even get a good few of them to visit my pages but when I saw the concept of the tool I now use in pre-launch beta version last year I just knew it would be a revolution in traffic generation.

There are two reasons that this tool produces the figures you can see above:

1) CONTENT: As we should all know great content generates great traffic which is why so many of us have started blogs. Great content also consumes a lot of time and effort also which you might better use in other areas of your business. I don't know about you but I often see a good article produced by someone else which would be SOOOO RIGHT for my own requirements and I always kinda thought "Damn! I wish I'd written thet, or thought of that". Which brings me nicely to:

2) OTHER PEOPLES' CONTENT: What if; What if you could see a perfect piece of content (it might be a CNN news story, a blog, an amazing corporate announcement etc. etc.) that would be perfect for your own niche and WHAT IF you could insert your own Call to Action RIGHT ONTO THAT CONTENT PAGE and then share it across the internet via social media - Facebook, Twitter, Linked In etc? And what if you could do that in less than a minute? Would that be something useful to you OR WHAT?

Here's an example of me doing JUST THAT:

1) here's the content ad shared on FB


When clicked it takes you to the Original page but my Holiday Offer Call to action is there as below:


I can create unlimited designs, loads of brands, CTA's and unlimited ads on unlimited web pages. Here's another great feature - if the visitor decides to explore the website further, the CTA is on every page in front of him/her.

So what is this fantastic tool?

It's called ZUBBit and I truly believe it is the best marketing invention since the internet. Take a "test drive" and see for yourself what you've been missing. CLICK HERE

As a bonus you may also become a ZUBBit Affiliate and get up to 50% commissions on new customers. Once someone trys this they wonder how they ever managed without it. TRY IT HERE

This article was published on 26.06.2016 by John Ward
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