Join Avon today!
Hi, if you love beauty, fashion, homeware, and would love a discount off your own everyday items or want to earn a bit more money every month then why not sell Avon! It can be sold entirely online now no door to door if you don’t want to!
With a great selection of toiletries including a men’s and children’s range, perfumes & aftershaves, haircare, skincare, fashion, and gifts for everyone, there literally is something for everyone!
How much you earn does depend on you! You can just order for yourself and earn a discount or sell to friends and family to earn more, or sell online and/or door to door and build a business and even go bigger and build a team, it really is up to you! But please contact me with any questions or enquiries you may have, I’m here to help!
If you’d like to have a look at what we offer then please visit my store to see all our products.
Once you see what we offer and how popular Avon is you’ll want to join!
Avon really is so popular it does sell itself, it’s a trusted known brand that has been around for years
I joined Avon again after many years (20+) during April 2020 when the pandemic started and shops was selling out of soap etc, I ordered some from Avon and after a couple of orders I enquired about becoming a representative again and I joined up and once my friends knew I was selling Avon it just grew from there!
Every month I gain new customers and with social media I have gained many online customers but the amazing thing is everyone has heard of Avon and love their products!
From as little as £10 for our starter kit (includes our best selling lipstick, brochures and order forms) you can come aboard and see for yourself, and if you decide it’s not for you then you can leave at any time, no contracts, no gimmicks, no ties! It really is that simple
So whether you’re looking to get a discount off your own items, or ordering for friends and family or want to run a business then why not come and give it a try!
Contact me for more info or visit here:
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