Financial Makeover
Happy Tuesday!!! I am totally totally new / one day in on this platform and super excited to be here and even more excited to have the opportunity to share this super duper amazing opportunity️️️ with you all. MWR Financial is the most amazing company super passionate about making an impact on the lives of others by enhancing their financial footprint. Our founder Brian House and President Andomo Tolson are truly God sent / one of a kind in their own way. They have provided a vehicle for us to change the trajectory of our finances forever!!! They genuinely love helping people and get great satisfaction in seeing us win. They are thee absolute best with the highest energy burst in this mission / movement to Make Wealth Real and that positive culture and extremely high energy resígnate throughout our family!!! Oh the MWR stands for “Make Wealth Real”
Our team is full of great mentors and leaders cheering you on to victory and beyond.
The goal is income shifting...yes income shifting in which we educate and our “experts” of MWR Financial execute on your behalf to expand your Cashflow and increase your income. Yes our experts do all the work in regards to your Cashflow provide the requested information and they go to work for you! The income shifting is done through 4 pillars: MoneyMax, CreditMax, EquityMax and WealthMax and all 4 pillars are included under one umbrella / 1 company MWR Financial.
Brief overview below:
MoneyMax - Tax minimization via strategies in which our experts ensure you’re not over paying taxes and you’re not leaving any money on the table. It is where the Instant pay raise resides and Taxbot.
CreditMax - Credit restoration is where our expert work to get your credit restored to the highest state possible and it comes with maintenance and identity theft
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