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Earn A True Residual Income. Very Low Start Up Fee. With Unlimited Potential.

There are a lot of ups and downs in multi-level marketing. The first time I saw a business presentation I was sure I was going to get rich. I started thinking about what I was going to do with all that money. Like when you buy that ticket for that colossal lottery and dream of what you will do with all those winnings. However, somehow it ended up costing me more than I made. Not to be deterred I tried another company, and they had so many meetings that it monopolized all my time. Also, I often felt like the people who were supposed to be helping me grow my business did not know how to build their own. One thing I did know I wanted to create a second income. One that has residual income and that I could use to pay down some of the debt I was carrying. One that if I worked hard and stayed focus I could maybe even earn enough to quit my job.

I say this because there are a lot of companies out there. Some better than others and all with their paths to success. So it is essential to find one that you can believe in and will accomplish your goals. One day while networking on Linked In I made a connection with an eight-figure earner. Much to my surprise, he called me. We started talking, and I shared with him some of my frustrations, and he agreed to mentor me. He has been with the same company for over 20 years and hasn’t had a job since 1995. When he introduced me to his company I got excited, I loved their guiding principle of  "Enhancing the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals.", Also, their products made a genuine difference in people lives. So I could get behind what they are doing.

First of, what they are not. The company is not a Multi-Level Marketing Company. They DO NOT require you to buy inventory; they DO NOT need you to collect money or deliver the product. They DO NOT charge you a hefty fee to join. Joining cost only $19 a year and works as a membership fee at a buyer’s club. Also, allowing you to buy products at 30-50% and to earn commissions on purchases from referrals.

Now what they are. The company is a manufacturer of high quality environmentally safe, wellness and household goods that they sell directly to the consumer. Things that people already buy like toothpaste, shampoo, and household cleaners. All consumers are doing is changing their store to get more value for money they are already spending. They have a 96% reorder rate from their customers and have paid out over 5 billion dollars in commissions. With over 2 billion dollars in annual sales and data that goes back decades, they can prove their statistics. They have a tried and true business model.

What you need to do. Refer customers. Help others who want to build an income to refer customers. That is it. You introduce customers, and the company handles the rest. Your customers deal with the company for reorders or any issues. You receive a 20% commission on your personal referrals and a 7% commission on all others down to seven levels. A true residual income. In over 30 years of business, this company has never missed a check.

So, help others save money by buying better quality, scientifically proven, environmentally safer products, and earn a second income at the same time. If that sounds good to you, click here to go to my website to learn how to get started.

If you are not interested in a new opportunity but are interested in becoming a customer of some of the greatest scientifically proven wellness products on the market, then click here.

This opportunity is available in the United States, Canada, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Puerto Rico, Malaysia, New Zealand, Ireland, the Netherlands, Singapore, China, Germany, Mexico, Austria, Poland, and the United Kingdom.

This article was published on 18.04.2018 by Nicholas Rivera
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