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A Secret of the biggest recruiters in network marketing

I read an article once where it stated that 90% of the people who joins network marketing will drop out within first 90 days. These people have dropped out because they cannot afford to keep paying for the opportunity. This article further stated that 70% of these ones never recruited anyone! Some of the reasons for not recruiting anyone into the business opportunity is:

1- Failure to make the time to tell their friends about the opportunity 

2- Wrongly expected their sponsor to spend the time to train them one on one. 

3- Lacked confidence in the product or themselves to ask others to join the opportunity 

4- They had misunderstanding that the business was good enough that people will sign up on their own. 

Without recruiting there is no business because that’s where the money is made:  This is a major challenge in any organization. 

Most sponsors will encourage the newbies to get on the weekly call or webinar for motivation, to keep hustling for more Signups. Since only 10% of the new recruits will make it past first 90 days, if you need 3 successful recruits, you’ll need 30 recruits to weed out the other 27 to overcome the attrition rate. 

This is not a sustainable business model. 

Another business model is to introduce the newbies to a company that will do the recruiting for them for a reasonable fee. All they would have to do is to pay the money and wait for the paying members to sign up under them. Then introduce those who just signed up to this company to recruit for them. This business model will substantially lower the attrition rate in the organization. 

Is there such a company? 

 Can it provide this service affordably? 

 Can it guarantee your money back if it fails to deliver on its promise?

Yes, yes and definitely yes. 

Biggest Secret of the Big Timer in Network Marketing

Please get more information from the site. There is no lead capture page or auto responders in this site. No forms to fill, no email address to give out. Just a solid information on what is the secret of the biggest recruiters in network marketing today who recruits massive number of Signups daily. They are not sharing this secret to just anyone and they are placing big orders week after week and they are on your leaderboard.   

When you enter the website, go to the upper left hand corner and click where it says “Guaranteed Paid Signups 

Guaranteed Paid Signups for Pay to Join Program

There are a few companies who has networks of high traffic websites and they are able to place many many ads. These guys advertise and recruit for any opportunities very cost effectively.   

Simply put, these guys know:

1- where the hungry prospects are

2- what ads works and what don’t  for a given offer 

3- how to write the ads to appeal to their emotion, not logic

4- to test and retest the ad campaign for maximum effectiveness 

I personally use a company that can within 90 days; 

1- Get a prospect to sign up from your website

2- Pay up to $100 to join your business opportunity 

3- Can do this for $14 per person  

This is like an insurance policy to make sure that you will make money in your opportunity. You just pay $14 and wait up to 90 days and you will get a signup that pays to join your opportunity. 

What if you need five Signups? No problem. They can write an advertising specific to your opportunity and will get 5 people to pay up to $100 to join your opportunity for just $69. 

What if your opportunity costs over a hundred dollars? It’ll costs you more but they can recruit anyone to pay any dollar amount necessary to join your opportunity in 90 days or your money back. 

When you enter the website, go to the upper left hand corner where the menu is and click where it says “Guaranteed Paid Signups”

A Biggest Secret of the Big Players in Network Marketing

If you can find a better offer anywhere, please take it. But it might be too good to be true!

This article was published on 26.03.2019 by JC Hernandez
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Julia Lynn Jukes Your links are sending to e-host which is closed.  5 years ago

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