Create your own lane! Who said you had to stay within the lines?
Hi, my name is Princess Johnson. I am a single mom of 2 young adults. I work full-time and found myself wanting to create a lane that was just for me. My full-time job as an executive assistant was not allowing me to be very creative and I needed an outlet... so I created my own lane, somewhere that I had creative control and could create experiences. So, the most creative space I could find was in the travel industry. I had already been the go to person in my family for all things related to entertainment and travel so it was a natural go to.
I’ve been in business for 2 years and would love to grow my team with this unique business opportunity that has multiple income streams in the travel industry. I’m looking for people who have a passion for travel, are people oriented, business minded and ready for some absolute fun!
I feel like network marketing sometimes gets a bad wrap from some but in all actuality we all network market at some point in our lives. I network with a company to market my skill sets in order to get a job. I’m networking at social outings with friends and coworkers that most times in just good company and conversation brings up an “opportunity”. How I landed on the opportunity to start my own business was online. I asked more information from a young woman who is now my business partner on how she started her business and my journey started from there. Travel is approx a 2.57 trillion U.S. dollar industy and has tons of opportunity for everyone.
I can be the first to say I’m not great at “selling” but I do enjoy helping people get to their goal. And, can say travel really sells itself. Who doesn’t want to immerse their feet in warm sand on a beautiful beach with a cocktail in hand. Smile..
My friends call me “Coach” which gives me a chuckle. I am here to support my team. No prior experience is needed and most trainings are free. I just really want to help people stretch into their goal and everyone wins!
If you are interested in learning more about my experience or are ready to jump right in please contact me or visit my sites:
All For Me Travel, LLC
Join My Team! PlanNet Marketing
I look forward to working with you!
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