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WHOIS: CoinSpace ??

CoinSpace Scam? What is really behind?
And ‘since 2008 that we hear about on the Internet of Crypto-currencies, the most famous BitCoin the latest OneCoin and are now known to all results achieved by those who in these projects has decided to invest time and money.
CoinSpace has exploded in recent months in Dubai and other countries of Southeast Asia bringing hundreds of distributors to earn tens of thousands of Euros a week and attracting in fact the attention of many European leaders of Network Marketing.

CoinSpace and Crypto-currencies are a scam?
Let’s start with Wikipedia:

“A cryptocurrency (or crittovaluta or criptomoneta) is an equal exchange, digital decentralized whose implementation is based on the principles of cryptography to validate transactions and currency itself generation. Like any digital currency, it allows you to make online payments in a safe manner. “

The Crypto-Currencies then, as all the classic currencies, can be used to purchase goods and services, transferred to other users, with the difference to be able to be created (the official term is “mined” or “extracted”), by users themselves. The whole is made secure through the authentication of each individual transfer by means of a coding system that requires the computing power of a large computer network. Each user has their own computing power receives the new Crypto-coin as a reward.

How much is a Crypto-currency? How much is CoinSpace?
Again quoting wikipedia:

“Unlike the classic traditional currencies, cryptocurrency do not report to a central body, but use a distributed database between the network and acquires economic value depending on how many people buy the same cryptocurrency …

The total value Bitcoin economy, calculated at December 2012 was approximately 140 million US dollars, in April 2013 1.4 billion US dollars, in November 2013, a bitcoin exchange 1 = 540 USD, the value rises again more than 6 billion US dollars. “

We understand then how did the famous Kristoffer Koch, young computer Norwegian who in 2009 had bought € 19 in Bitcoin, to find himself now one account for over 640,000 euro.

Even the youngest Crypto-Currency OneCoin only born in 2015, has already seen exploding its equivalent.

Game initially from 0.50 cents per single currency, now has a 5 times higher value, which translated into a practical example, those who have invested € 10 OneCoin in early 2015 now finds himself with a value of 50 €.

We remind you that today the number ONE networker highest paid in the world, has in fact exceeded € 4 million profit per month thanks to OneCoin.

Unfortunately today invest in BitCoin or OneCoin is not cheap because the value is now too high. It would require a significant disposable income, or alternatively wait for an unlikely reduction of value of the currency in the hope of a new rise.

Perhaps it would be more worthwhile to lighten the pockets of a few dollars in a new semidisowned currency and find themselves, as Kristoffer Koch, rich without your knowledge.

CoinSpace is the new OneCoin?
The first difference you notice with CoinSpace is the fact that this cryptocurrency operates in a real market open.
He is currently mined in parallel to other cryptocurrency and will be launched on the real market reached 50,000 distributors / active miners and then to public transactions.
Compared to OneCoin then, that a coin remaining closed to only registered users, has a value established by the same depending on the number of own subscribers (potentially be lowered in the case where the number of subscribers you were to reduce), a single CoinSpace that today worth € 0.5 € 1,000 will also apply in the coming months.

How does CoinSpace?
The subscription package allows immediately the server rental for the creation of criptomoneta, with a fixed monthly return for 12 months and an annual profit of 50% MINIMUM.

Considering as an example a 100 € entry, the active distributor / miner will get a return fixed percentage (with variable percentage according to di’ingresso package) which if added over 12 months will amount to € 150:

without having sustained any cost
without developing a network
at minimal economic value of 50 cent guaranteed by
40% profit is defined minimum under the minimum value of 50 cent guaranteed by the company but it is easy to imagine the real value that the CoinSpace once open to the free market.

If then the distributor decided to develop its own network the profits would grow exponentially (just think of the only dual team that pays 50% commissions on commissionable points).

Conclusion: CoinSpace Scam: yes or no?
After having carefully examined the Business CoinSpace, seen as is positioning in a market that generated the highest profits in the last 10 years and talked with some of the best Italian leaders who are positioning themselves in this mega structure with their loyalists we can say that…

CoinSpace joins a network with all the features that have always attracted a large number of distributors (no cost of maintaining only minimum fixed profit every month, easily manageable virtual online business and launch phase involving prominent leaders of the Italian and European scene ) with the industry of the Crypto-currency which has been shown to have the highest growth rate in the short term.

The Business Council News From Home

We can not say with mathematical certainty of being in the presence of a network that will exist forever, but it is clear that CoinSpace will provide opportunities for many leaders to earn a lot of money in the short term.

It has not to date emerged alarm bells so CoinSpace can be considered a scam.

For this reason we recommend to act quickly and position itself as soon as possible in the project and make the most of the coming months.

The first 150 for each continent is also given the opportunity to become co-founder and get a% of worldwide turnover every month.

To enter each of which provides a different percentage of monthly return, and there are several advantages the following packages:

FREE: it lasts 60 days when you can do to upgrade to one of several packages. After 60 days the account will be locked and the only way to reactivate it if you have not made a first package, is to pay the Full Package Mine.
MICRO MINE: € 150 including VAT
MINIMUM MINE: € 300 VAT included
BASIC MINE: 700 € Including VAT
QUARTER MINE: 1500 Including VAT
HALF MINE: 3000 € Including VAT
FULL MINE: 6000 € Including VAT
DOUBLE MINE: 12.000 € Including VAT
ULTIMATE MINE: 24.000 € Including VAT

therefore we recommend that you enter with the package MINIMUM MINE currently provides the best compromise of entry and place even with the FREE account their most trusted leaders.

If you want to directly enter the number ONE team in Europe and that enrolling Italian leaders can do so by clicking here. They hold a weekly webinars accessible only to those who own at least FREE code.

Take your position in the number one team in Europe CoinSpace here before it’s too late!

On the first page you register, in the second you select the pack (basically what for it FREE FREE) and in the third you confirm your settings.


This article was published on 31.10.2016 by Maurizio S.
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