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Top Tier Income - For Rapid Wealth Building!

If you've been online for any length of time you probably have heard of the terms big ticket, high ticket, & top tier programs. That deion is connected to a fairly new industry that has combined the power of the franchise business model with digital products integrated into an affiliate program. This gives anyone, with internet access, the ability to enjoy the benefits of owning a lucrative franchise business without the high costs associated with that ownership.

In the past, franchises were out-of-reach for most of the populous and therefor reserved for a select few who had the capital to purchase a franchise in the first place. The owners had to consider many different variables that would affect the overall success of their business like demographics, location, access, etc. They also had to figure in the high costs of operating a franchise which would include hiring a staff, utilities, insurance, licensing, and property management.

Now, through the power of the internet, anyone can own a franchise business which has the ability to produce large commissions from the sales of the digital product suites. You do not need any special skills or training to earn big ticket sales and you can build a large affiliate team that will compound your income through the profit sharing payplans.

Six Figure Empire© is a new top tier affiliate program that takes the franchise business model and adds in a highly effective done-for-you system that includes unique capture pages, high response copywriting, client acquisition funnels, front-end products, back-end big ticket sales and high level training that all seamlessly connects together into a dynamic business-in-a-box.

Most of the top tier programs today have a 1-up payplan. They are easy to understand and explain and this is why they've become so popular. All 1-up payplans have the ability to create 4 different income streams from each affiliate. The one drawback is that once an affiliate is confirmed and qualified through the initial sale and 1-up sale they are now in direct competition with the person who referred them to the affiliate program.

Six Figure Empire© utilizes a unique 80/20 profit sharing payplan that eliminates the competition between members and their sponsors. You receive 80% commission from all of your direct sales and 20% commission from all of the sales of the affiliates you sponsor.

If you're interested in Six Figure Empire© opt-in below for more information.

Opt-In HERE:

Will Peterson


This article was published on 14.05.2017 by Wil Peterson
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