Your heath matters so much! Thanks to Lifewave, start to rejuvenate!
Dear friends,
I'm Anne from Paris in France. I'm a success coach for high achievers, showing mainly small entrepreneurs how to succeed better through productivity, mindset and habits. I've been a coach for 10 years now and moved from offline to online a year ago.
I'm also a strong believer in Energy. And for me quantum/energy medicine is part of my daily life. I was first introduced to all this in 2004. When I learnt reiki. Then shiatsu. Then reconnexion from Eric Pearl. I still practice reiki and reconnexion on a regular basis.
I also meditate daily. It's been 6 years now. I learnt meditation through the kabbalah tree of life. Love it dearly.
I'm fan of guys like Vishen Lakhiani, Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton or Gregg Braden, of quantum healers also. Healers like Jarrad Hewett or Valerie Pierson. My fav. books are the ones of Abraham Hicks, Brian Weiss, the book of Seth, Anita Moorjani, for instance.
And more recently fan of the company who made me enter the network marketing world. Lifewave. A 15 year old US company growing fast because it's silly unique in the world and years ahead of competition.
Lifewave uses phototherapy in a patch technology. And sells patches for pain relief, stress relief, wound healing, better sleep, tissue recovery. And the latest product (one year old) allows you to boost your proper stem cells through the elevation of the copper peptide in your body. Clinical studies back up every product Lifewave sells.
My husband and I have tested the products for 4 months before becoming partners there. Because we had great effect on energy, sleep, skin quality, and also arthrosis recovery for him. I now have a small convinced and dedicated team with distributors and customers and would love you to jump in.
Our mission is simply to change health for good, to change lives for a better world. No drugs, no chemicals, just by relying on your body intelligence.
What's in the patches? No active substance. What??? Yes, the patch connects to the infrared heat of the body and sends a selective message. Sounds crazy? I know. I thought it was crazy before trying on me.
But guess what? In 2004, when the first patches were released (still exist, I love them), energy enhancers, a sports coach used them on his team of pros women swimmers. In 3 weeks, 6 out of 8 of them broke their personal record. Then they used it at the Olympics. As they performed great, other teams attacked and said they were under drugs. So the Olympic Committee examined the patches. And had to allow them as they have no active substance in them. A little bit less crazy?
PS: Works on pets and horses, so I guess it's not placebo.
More info? Join my free dedicated FB group there or go directly to my site
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