Who wants to buy or sell AVON?
Hello, my name is Laura Hines, and I am an Independent Sales Representative! I love my business, and being a Sales Rep for AVON. I live in Virginia, and have two daughters, one is graduating High School this yearI have tried many times in the past to sell, with me being my own best customer and not making much money. But since many of us are home now, I decided it would be a great time to try again. I made myself a promise that this time I would be successful at it, and now I have my own Team! I am always looking for new Team members, and I like to train very hands on. If you ask me a question I don't know the answer to, I will certainly find it for you. I have wonderful support from my Mentor, and I want to pass it all on to my Team.frequently send texts and provide information to make a success of your own business ! Come join my Team, along with lots of support you will receive
- Free sign up
-Free online store, and
-Free online training!
Plus there are some great bonuses from AVON for new Representatives to keep you motivated and help you grow your business!
Here is my website to check out:
My phone number is (804)201-1588 to text or talk about this business opportunity!
Getting involved with, and learning how a new business works can be overwhelming. By taking the free online AVON training, and having questions answered as they come up, can help you greatly and make you more confident in the workings of your business, to sell more, and create a great Team! It can also help out your pocketbook whether you just want some extra money, or turn your business into a fulltime one.
So if you've made it this far, please reach out to me so we can discuss this opportunity. If a business is not something you would like right now, please visit my website to discover all the wonderful products AVON has to offer! For this month and next month, I am running a Giveaway- for every person to place an order in May and June, your name will be placed in a drawing to win a nice AVON gift
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