Patience is a Virtue!
Definition: The ability to wait for something without frustration is a useful skill and a good aspect of one’s personality.
Trying to introduce a company that will change peoples lives in the future - Foresight the ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future! is no easy task as we have all kinds of people some that want it now and cannot foresee growth.
In 2018 only less than a handfull believed in me that this Company would build a Portfolio so Huge in the future of Realestate, Transport, Gold, Minerals, Restuarants, Banks then in 2019 CRU.
Today it has built a Portfolio in the Millions but how do you show people the Crystal Ball! You cannot as many business come and go and investments fall or prosper and life goes on. What we look for is Solid Ground to know the Company - Business Opportunity will last through all the storms to triumph.
When I joined in 2018 I believed it would achieve all it had stated and then I left the life of the computer to care for my mother for a year only to come back and realise my foresight was correct. How do you tell the masses that they could be a part of Economical and Environmental change for our future and our childrens and their childrens future!
To witness and be part of this growth has been amazing in all areas to know that this company took the time to source environmentally friendly Transport and Basalt Materials of which many of us have travelled to ride the fuel free trains and see Basalt used in building materials.
In 2019 they introduce their Crypto - CRU to compliment their portfolio which has progressed so fast it will be launched on the 10th January 2020.
Our patience has paid off and it is like New Years all over again when the 10th January comes and December 2020 our EIP stocks will be launched as our Portfolio is massive for shareholders.
I am proud to be part of this and to know my children I can leave my shares to.
So I ask you all Now - Would it be Okay if You had One More option for Money every Month!
A Video to watch below on Basalt which we have a big stake in - I look forward to hearing from anyone that would like to be a part of this amazing portfolio - Vikki-Lee