Join Total Life Changes
We get paid 5 different ways plus we have daily pay. Yes that’s right daily pay. If you sell something today you will get paid by 12pm the following day. We are the Uber of MLM. To be considered active it’s only $50.....(WOW!!) I know right.
The best part is the products that we sale actually work....(Wow!!) I know it’s amazing! It don’t cost you a arm & a leg to join. Plus with every sale you make you get paid 50% of the PRV points. So for example if a product cost $49.95 that’s 40prv points you will get $20 from that purchase. If someone purchase a kit from you that’s $109 that’s 80prv point and you will get $40 for that purchase. (Wow!!!)
Now let’s do some math. Let’s say you get 10 people to purchase a product for $49.95 that’s a total of $200 you just made for the day, week or month depending on how much income your wanting to generate.
Now let’s discuss the 5 different ways we get paid:
1. Retail- Sending customers to your website or selling products you have on hand at retail price (you make the retail price for your products on hand)
2. Fast Start- If someone signs up to join your business the company will give you 50% of whatever they purchase when they sign up.
3. Binary- Building a team. One person on your right and one on your left. When you have people under that is Binary you will make 10-25% of what they make. The percentage depends on the rank your at at the time.
4. Check Match- Each person under you that is Binary the company will give you 50% of what their check is. (Example: I someone under you made a $500 check you will get $250) THIS DOES NOT COME OUT OF THEIR CHECK!! The company gives this to you.
5. Life Style Bonus- If you hit the rank of National Director the company will give you a $1,500 life style bonus just for helping other people become healthy & wealthy.
Ranks you can achieve:
-Executive Director
-Regional Director
-National Director
-Global Director
-Executive Ambassador
If this sounds like something you can do feel free to reach out to me so we can get you started.
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