Money Can't Buy You Happiness? What? R-E-E-A-L-L-Y NOW?
Let me ask you a personal question. Have you ever had it so bad where you're so broke that you found yourself going through couch cushions and maybe the floor of your car in hopes you'd find enough loose change to buy a double chesseburger at McDonald's?
I have.
And if you haven't been there, than you should be very thankful, because it ain't a good feeling at all.
Trust me.
There's nothing enjoyable about being so broke financially that you have to endure eating fast food, dealing with phone calls all day long from collection agents, worried about your car being repo'd, or how you're going to come up with enough money to pay the rent.
I don't know who coined the phrase, "money can't buy you happiness" but I'm sure whoever said it, had no idea of what it means to eat Ramen Noodles everyday. To me, money can buy you a WHOLE lot of happiness, especially if you don't have a dime to your name.
What can money buy if it's not happiness?Let's see...
1. Financial Security2. Freedom to do whatever the hell you want
3. A Positive Attitude
4. Help others in need be it family or friends
5. Confidence
There's more reasons of course, but you get the gyst of what I'm talking about.
I'll never forget what a speaker said at a convention I attended in Cincinnati, Ohio many years ago. His speech was about the mindset of wanting to become rich and the possibility of the guilt that goes with that mindset.
Do you know what he said to handle that? If you're feeling guilty about making a whole lotta money? He said to look at it as the more money you have, the more OPTIONS you have. Money gives you the ability to afford options while having NO money denies you almost everything.
I think I know if you're reading this what the answer to this question is going to be, but don't you think in a world where $100 bills exist in abundance, it's a better world to be in, than literally counting nickels and dimes for gas money?
Yet so many make a conscious decision to settle and play it safe. You know those are the people that end up turning our business opportunity down. As a matter of fact, they not only turn our offer down to even look at it, but they crucify us for even being involved "in something like that."Makes no sense to me, does it make sense to you?
I mean being told what you're worth, having to clock in everyday, being told when you can take a leak, when you can go on vacation, when you can go home, asking for a raise, etc, etc, etc.
Now I'm not stupid. And neither are you. I have a job, just like most of us do. And I wouldn't dare suggest you quit your job. I was told by a sponsor once that you should never quit your job to go full time until you're making enough money on a consistent basis to exceed what you are making with your job.
Which brings me to the reason why I'm writing this business announcement today. You see to me, network marketing is tough, doable but tough. I've had some success where I've made money and a lot of failures where I made very little. I would seem to recruit people that weren't coachable or wouldn't duplicate what I was doing. And I'm an IBO in a MLM program for weight loss. SO I'm not throwing "darts" at MLM. You can see my program here ==>
But my primary business is a big ticket program. Why? Because the effort it takes to sign up a new prospect and make a sale that would garner me $45-$100 is the same amount of effort it takes for me to sign up a new prospect and make a sale of $500-$20,000. You can be on the path to freedom with as little as 30 minutes a day and only 1-2 sales per MONTH.
Just imagine if you could turn "ON" a system on a Monday, and by Friday, be in receipt of an over-night package with a 3, 4 or 5 figure check inside of it?
You probably think stuff like that doesn't happen, but it does. And it's happening right now. There are over-night deliveries scheduled to be made tomorrow to people just like you, who took action on a simple idea and they're now reaping the rewards to the tune of $12,000 - $50,000 per month. That's some serious money folks!
And right now is the PERFECT time to be keeping all of your options open, because our big ticket program, Six Figure Empire, has a promo going on that not only saves you 80% off the regular licensing fee, but will get you properly positioned for 6-figures in 2017.
But this promo ends December 15th, 2016. So you need to act fast!Do this:
Step 1: Go to ==>
Step 2: Look over the Promo. Get signed up. Takes less than 10 minutes.
Step 3: Then call me at 586-944-9726 to schedule a 15 Minute Fast Start call so I can show you how to be making a nice chunk of change fast.
Thanks for reading,
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