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Are You Getting the Right Eyeballs Viewing Your Opportunity?

I'll apologize right from the beginning by saying I'm sorry in asking you a dumb question. So here's the question.  When you turn on a water hose, does the water come out the other end instantly?   Of course not right?  It takes a little while before the water can travel through the hose before it comes out the other end.  So why do some of use believe that just because someone responds to our offer that they'll sign up today and pull out their debit or credit card? 

 What does any of that have to do with how many eyeballs are viewing your opportunity? 


The water hose I used above?  Imagine that is your pipeline.  A  marketing pipeline if you will.  And if you fill that marketing pipeline full of people on a constant basis, it could payoff later in interested "suspects" (these are people you sus-PECT could become prospects)  Once they're prospects, this could lead to signups, which could lead to more people joining your downline and of course, money in your bank account. 

But first, you have to turn on the faucet to that hose right?   In other words, what are you using in your marketing arsenal to gather targeted prospects to put in your pipeline.  And I'm hoping you're not using your company's replicated website as part of that process.  If you are, you're most likely setting yourself up for failure. 

Now their are many ways to garner leads.  You can buy mlm leads, network marketing genealogy leads, solo ads, newspaper ads, Craigslist, etc.   Regardless as to which method you use, those eyeballs have to see something first that captures their attention.  Something unique, eye-catching and something that shows the "suspect" that you know what you're doing.  Do you have anything like that?  I'm assuming you probably don't.  

The vast amount of network marketers are not as successful as they would like to be because of a lack of marketing tools and the marketing knowledge to show that they can lead others to success in their businesses. This leads me to present to you a marketing tool that takes even the greenest newbie or the savvy veteran in MLM and turns them into a network marketing recruiting magnet.  

How about using marketing tools that can teach you how to gather real prospects from Facebook or Twitter? Or how about teaching you how to build your OWN lead capture & landing pages?  How about teaching you how to brand YOU, so you look like THAT leader someone wants to join?  

Fellow network marketer, if any of what I've just written peaks your curiosity one bit please click here or the image below to see what this is all about.  I've been using this marketing tool for a couple of years now and it is by far the BEST thing that has ever happen to my businesses.

 photo ATTN_zpsvngydzlo.jpg

This article was published on 04.03.2019 by Frank F. Mayes
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