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Just what makes CTFO so unique? What does the initials CTFO mean and does it live up to its name. Later I will tell you what CTFO means and I will hopefully be able to illustrate that it does live up to its name. First let me state that since I recently associated (joined) myself with this company, I have had the daily pleasure of delving deeper and deeper into the philosophy and support behind this company. The more I plod thru its makeup, products, thoughts and testimonials, the more enjoyable I find my experience with the totality of CTFO. Last week I listened to the weekly 20 minute or so business update call. Stuart Finger (one of three Founders) Gave a presentation on what is unique about CTFO. The presentation was outstanding . I took notes and I am going to paraphrase his talk . I hope I can do it justice. He mentioned that there are Four(4) main things among many that Make CTFO unique among MLM, and among companies that sell CBD OIL PRODUCTS. I will first list them, then go into each as he presented them.





1. TRANSPARENT and totally FREE BUSINESS... So now easily I will frankly talk about the fact that you can become an ASSOCIATE for free. You will get a free business and website that you do not have to update. Just share it with others. No Gotchas, No Gimmicks and no Credit Card required Just think Potential Spillover (from the website) "THOSE WHO GET IN TODAY COULD BE ABOVE THOSE WHO GET IN TOMORROW" NO sign up fees, NO join fees, No website fees. What part of FREE did I miss? You can get involved, Enjoyably look over everything, use the online marketing system, carve out business. and unbelievably still get paid on a nice chunk of the marketing plan. You never purchase anything. SIGN UP FOR FREE NOW!

2. The FAIREST COMPENSATION PLAN...Did You know that you will have the same contract with CTFO as the owners of the company. They get paid the same way as you. This as you will see and realize will work toward your success. You get paid four (4) ways. Sales of products will produce all of our money to us from volume and also toward bonuses. You get paid weekly on wendsdays. You sign someone up today. They order products and you get paid next week. That is much faster than having a J.O.B.

3.THE HOTTEST PRODUCTS IN THE WORLD...(As seen on "CBS Sunday Morning") CBD OIL products are the hottest products I have ever seen in all my time noticing products. Google any ailment and CBD OIL and your results will show you how hot this product is. Just think, before you ever heard of CTFO, I am told that CTFO grew 800% last year. So, when you join NOW! you will be a part of next years growth going into momentum. Therefore; After you become part of this massive expansion, it is only reasonable that your participation will lead to changing the future outcomes of your economic situation. So now you know what the CTFO Initials mean. C=CHANGING T=THE F=FUTURE O=OUTCOME (of your health and your wealth situation). By the way, right after you get started. Not only do you get a free business, but you will have a product line of over 70 Products. CTFO has a 60 day(even an empty bottle) money back return policy. So there is no risk at all. SIGN UP AND ORDER NOW! What do you have to lose?

4. OUR PATENTED EXCLUSIVE PRODUCT... Every company can have CBD OIL... It is a foregone conclusion That CBD OIL is AMAZING. This is backed up by studies and testimonials. Now I am no Chemist so bear with me. One of CTFO products stands out above the whole field. This puts us three years ahead of the competition. It is called 10x Pure. This product is formulated and has MAXIMUM BIO AVAILABILTY. (in everyday Terms "It actually gets right where it needs to go in your Body and does what it needs to do"). The way it is processed protects CBDa. What is CBDa? CBDa is the health assisting part of the OIL that is usually and mostly destroyed by processing this health assisting ingrediant. CBDa being present, exponentialy increases the potential Of CBD OIL. 10x Pure is so special that the owners were shocked and highly pleased when they were able to aquire the the World-Wide Rights to this product. There you have it. Everything I gleaned from a 25 minute conference call. Now let me ask you, Can you see why an association with CTFO can lead to enjoying this business more and more. I invite you to SIGN UP NOW! (for free) and participate in the JOY!

What do you have to lose?

Richard McCurdy

This article was published on 09.05.2019 by Richard Mccurdy
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