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Ground floor opportunity - a system every business owner needs

Do you have a business? Do you struggle with reaching potential clients/customers? Are you looking for different ways to market, advertise, recruit employees/members for your team, or even sell your products? Sure, you can use Facebook but what about reaching those who don't use social media? 

ROYALTIE GEM is a brand new company that offers a small gadget that sends messages to android phones within 100 YARDS in all directions!! Say what? 

Imagine working from a coffee shop, all the people you could reach....or going shopping in the mall. Of attending a sporting event?? Can you imagine how many people you can reach? Theses gems will unlock thousands of potential customers/team members/employees for you by reaching every single Android phone within 100 miles of your gem...

Do you own a restaurant? Using Royaltie Gem allows you to advertise your daily menu/specials so nearby customers can walk right in! Do you own a boutique/store? The gem will allow you to advertise your sales/introduce new products.... Are you in charge of events? Can you even imagine the crowds you would draw in..Do you work for a staffing agency, and have a hard time finding employees in some of the hardest areas to staff? Place a gem in that location and draw in tons of applicants....Are you a network marketer and want to grow your team or your customer base? True testimonial, one customer had 1000 people visit her Facebook page in 10 hours...a page that was not drawing any visitors. Are you a real estate agent? Imagine putting this gem on your open house signs, imagine the buyers attending those open houses!!! Are you an insurance agent looking to grow your customer base? 

Imagine the possibilities....There are a ton of uses for these gems...Stay above your competitors...Get your business message and link to thousands! You are free to change the message at any time...If you are looking for an inexpensive way to draw in thousands of people a month, look no further...For 25/month, every business owner should have this...

Are our looking for a way to make extra money? Are you seeking a ground level opportunity? 

Less than 700 consultants? 

A company that pays 40%

Free to join

NO quotas

NO home parties

NO autoship 

Offers a product virtually every business owner needs. 

Looking for partners in every city, state, country, as this is a global opportunity.

This article was published on 28.05.2017 by Heather Olsavsky
Author's business opportunity:

Royaltie Gem - Technology/Lead Gen, Free to join

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