Czym są Active Boxes?
Jako pierwsza firma w historii, Omega oferuje produkt Active Box - wyjątkowe połączenie usług reklamowych, udział w badaniach marketingowych i zadaniach związanych z obsługą chmury kryptowalutowej. Aktywne pudełka można kupić za 50 do 200 000 BitBondów.
reklama osobista: 50 BitBonds = reklama 50 x 50 pikseli. Im więcej BitBondów wydaje, tym większa reklama może zostać opublikowana
animowana reklama: 500 BitBonds = animacja 50 x 50 pikseli. Im więcej BitBond wydał większą animowaną reklamę, może zostać opublikowana
spersonalizowana strona docelowa: 5000 BitBonds
Wszystkie materiały graficzne mogą być tworzone przez grafików Omega za dodatkową opłatą
Dostęp do platformy Omega Survey z płatnymi ankietami rynkowymi:
participation in the market surveys will be rewarded with remuneration
surveys will be distributed to the programme participants by e-mail
market surveys are prepared by Omega Group business partners
Activity tasks:
various tasks e.g. subscribing YouTube channels, “Liking” Facebook posts, testing apps
tasks completion is required to gain maximum profit from your Active Box
Cryptocurrency miners’ hashrate:
hashrate is generated by GPU-based cryptocurrency miners
You can choose between 6 and 12 months packages. Your profit depends on package duration.
The purpose of Active Boxes is to provide profits based on four income sources:
Example of a 12 months Active Box:
You purchase an Active Box for 10,000 BitBonds
Omega ads profits to your Active Box wallet daily for 12 months. This creates a profit of up to 70% per 12 months (assuming that you complete tasks)
After 12 months you can choose to extend your package for another 6 or 12 months
Example of a 6 months Active Box:
You purchase an Active Box for 10,000 BitBonds
Omega ads profits to your Active Box wallet daily for 6 months. This creates a profit of up to 30% per 6 months (assuming that you complete tasks)
After 6 months you can choose to extend your package for another 6 or 12 months
Affilate program
Using the Omega Platform you can increase obtained profit by taking part in the Affilate program! It works based on a binary plan. When recommending Omega products to your colleagues, friends and other people you automatically join in the program and receive bonuses from your referrals purchases. Furthermore through the acquired sale points you can get valuable prizes, including a luxury apartment!
A binary plan is a structure composed of two legs (right and left) used in multi-level marketing. Your each new referral gets to one of the legs through the external leg of the binary tree
WARNING: Multiple accounts will be blocked and discontinued without additional warning.
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